Well Apollo has shut down so time to get rid of Reddit. I am currently using Power Delete Suite https://codepen.io/Deestan/full/gOQagRO/ to overwrite all of my old posts with some random text, then tomorrow I will run it again to actually delete all of the posts / comments.

Apparently if you just delete they can be easily restored.

Anyone else going down this path?

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    52 years ago

    I just watched Louis Rossman’s video update on that, I hope there’s some legal actions coming for reddit.

    I’ll do the same but after I’ve done as much recruiting for Lemmy as I can.

  • David PalmerM
    42 years ago

    I used PowerDeleteSuite on my account too. Google search results have already become noticeably worse because so much has been scrubbed from reddit. Seems like scrubbing your account data is the best way to protest. It’s like a strike - withdrawing my content from the platform seems like an effective way to signal that I no longer support it.

    I’ll still poke my nose in from time to time probably, but I won’t be contributing.

  • @nyakojiru
    2 years ago

    This is a good idea not just to screw Reddit, I think it’s more interesting to not leave a vital footprint of your digital life to crawlers and make money with it or even worst to have some personality patterns associated with you that who knows Can be used for. Aka privacy.

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    I got my account perm banned. I believe that they delete all your comments when this happens.