Mles protocol version 1.0 is deprecated and will be obsolete from the beginning of the year 2024 in favor of Mles v2.

If you have implemented Mles 1.0 protocol-based things on top of mles-websocket protocol, the upgrade is very simple: just send as a first message to the Mles-server a JSON structure based on the Mles v2 header (the JSON structure will be finalized soon). No other changes are needed!

If you have implemented Mles 1.0 based protocol, please consider upgrading to Mles v2. The benefits are:

  • up-to-date simplified server framework with even better performance
  • safety built-in with mandatory TLS messages via Let’s encrypt-certificate over ALPN-TLS
  • only port 443 needs to be open, no need for the 80 or 8077 ports anymore

Comments are welcome! Cheers!