I love the slight fear and confusion on Lupita Nyongo’s face, but she never outright opens her mouth in shock.
I don’t get it and fr not going to Google it
Nah, cucking is something that’s consensual. NTR is just GF/Wife cheating.
cucking can be a consensual kink, cuckolding has been a cheating thing for a long, long, time though.
I know cucking is being used a lot for just general “took yo bitch” shenanigans. But cucking is a guy either approving or consensually watching his partner cheat. If he doesnt like it but tolerates it then he’s a wittol/wittold[. If he doesn’t like it or approve, well then his woman’s just cheating and they’ll probably break up. Then again, I might just be arguing semantics here.
Interesting enough, per the wiki link I put above, a cuckold in biology is a male animal that unwittingly takes care of offspring that is not his own. So maybe there there is a non-con cheating angle here.
“The word often implies that the husband is deceived; that he is unaware of his wife’s unfaithfulness and may not know until the arrival or growth of a child plainly not his (as with cuckoo birds)”
Your source says you are wrong.
daily reminder that no one is forcing you to look at it and that telling people not to enjoy what they enjoy is generally considered uncool
unless of course you see it when googling their name in which case why is safe search off
no shade for being a hater but the block button is right there