Does anyone else ever feel that they have run out of ideas?

That they are just telling the same story over and over again with only the most minor of variations?

I’ve been stuck on the same chapter of the same story for two and a half months, trying to figure out what to write next because I’ve written every variation before, sometimes twice.

Should I just give up?

  • Historical_GeneralM
    11 year ago

    There’s an author called Frickles whose alternate universes never fail to surprise and capture my imagination. I think you might be benefit from seeing ‘A discordant pattern’, and ‘a straight flush’.

  • @glimse
    11 year ago

    Maybe your soul calls for you to split your story from the HP universe. Perhaps that is limiting you

    • Gabe BellOP
      21 year ago

      Yeah – that’s going to be kind of hard since the central plot revolves around them having to be at Hogwarts :)

      But I take your point – and most of my recent stories have been post Hogwarts stories (when pretty much everything is up for grabs) or wildly AU stories (where I took the canon out back and shot it). But this one is very AU but needs to follow the plot a little which is where I am coming unstuck.

      • @glimse
        21 year ago

        Haha that’s a good reason not to switch then!! I wish I had some better advice to give