A storm breached the pens, in Sevastopol harbor in occupied Crimea, where the Russian navy kept its specially-trained dolphins.
They were playing the long con.
Lmao i hope they join ukraine
I thought war dolphin was a gdi tech
Uhhh… allies??? To counter giant squid?
hell March plays in background
Warning: Chronosphere activated!
In 2019, a beluga wearing a harness labeled “Equipment St. Petersburg” appeared in Norwegian waters, far from his species’ normal Arctic habitat, after apparently escaping a Russian enclosure.
Norwegian biologists named the beluga Hvaldimir. They since have tracked him swimming south toward Sweden. “It could be that he’s searching for other beluga whales,” Sebastian Strand, a marine biologist with the OneWhale organization, told The Guardian. Tragically, Hvaldimir is swimming in the wrong direction to meet another member of his species.
It’s like reading a greentext.
TFW I haven’t had sex in 4 years because I have no sense of direction.
Special dolphin operation
Edit: Special dolphin relocation
One another proof they are very intelligent.