This update will likely add mod logs.

Changes so far:

  • Fixed a bug where pull-to-refresh in the post list screen might not load from page 1. This bug will occur if “Hide read” is tapped and the first page only contain read posts.
  • Added support for WebM videos.
  • Fixed a bug where pull to refresh did not refresh comments in the detailed person screen.
  • Added modlogs. The server currently does not appear to return these in chronological order. The app tries it’s best to keep the logs sorted but it can sometimes mess up in certain cases.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes images inlined in text might not load.
  • Changed the app to open image or video urls within the app when tapped.
  • Fixed a bug where causing a page refresh of a post would reset the expanded/collapsed state of comments. Eg. if you collapse a comment, then post a comment, the collapsed comment will auto-expand.