Are we doing a TV Tuesday? We’ve just finished watching Annika. It was sort of refreshing to watch a “murder of the week” style show again. The best part of the show was obviously Nicola Walker, but also and Silvie Furneaux as her daughter Morgan. As a listener to the Doctor Who audios, Nicola’s scenes and obvious chemistry with Paul McGann was a high point too.
Anyway, we’ve finished that last night so looking for recommendations!
Muppets Mayhem is OUTSTANDING. It’s funny and sweet all the way through. But the episode where they parody the “Get Back” documentary is nothing short of genius. Highly recommended.
Been watching Jury Duty. Nothing this interesting ever happened while I was on jury duty!
It’s such a wholesome show isn’t it?
Yes, some of Ronald’s attempts at keeping a straight face are absolute gold.
BEEF on netflix was a surprise banger for me
After a while I just found it too stressfully destructive to keep watching!
I’ve just finished watching The Diplomat on Netflix which was excellent.
We’re now watching Poker Face which is also good. It’s a murder of the week format too and it feels a lot like Columbo.
feels a lot like Columbo.
It is very conciously like Columbo - even down to the font of the titles I think. I see it as 3 parts Columbo, 1 part The Fugitive and 1 part Knives Out. There are a couple of wonky episodes but I enjoyed it a lot overall - especially the penultimate one.
We’ve been watching Poker Face too and really enjoying it. I do like the inverted detective format. Plus Natasha Lyonne being Natasha Lyonne.
Another BF listener here - I really liked Walker and McGann on screen in Annika too.
Otherwise, my SO and I have the Ted Lasso finale lined up. The third season (yes, I know, but I agree with the Americans that there is a distinction between series and season) has been a necessary conclusion to the material in the previous two, but not without some fun moments.
And - in terms of other UK TV - we are just on to season two of Jam and Jerusalem which I totally missed at the time but am enjoying now.
Otherwise, in non-UK shows, Drops of God and Shrinking are the clear highlights in our lineup at the moment.
Ah, I could never get into Ted Lasso. My SO binged that when she had covid and is mulling over whether to resubscribe to Apple TV for the final season. Drops of God looks interesting, so maybe that’s another pro for a month or two of Apple TV. Thanks!
I’ve not watched a whole lot recently (unless we’re counting random crap on YouTube…)
I have started FUBAR however, and I’m only 3 episodes in but it’s really good. I love Arnie, so that might swing my opinion a bit. Looking forward to finishing it off though!
This week I’m binge watching the 6th season of The Great Pottery Throw Down. I just discovered it recently and found it to be pretty good.
I keep hearing about this and meaning to look it up. What’s it on? Netflix? iPlayer?
Definitely recommend, especially if you’re into ceramics / crafts in general. The recent seasons from 2020 (I think) onwards are available on channel 4. I’m not sure about the earlier seasons as it was originally on BBC but they don’t seem to be available on iPlayer.
It’s channel 4 so it’s on their streaming thing.
Aha cheers, will look up whatever that is. Can you tell I don’t watch much TV really? 😅
Also I took out the 7 day trial for Paramount+ to binge Season 3 of Star Trek Discovery while working from home (my current contract is about 0.5 time). I have all the regrets.
At least Picard season 3 is worth a watch, and Strange New Worlds starts back soon!
I’ve just finished The Orville, I enjoyed it’s weird mixture of Star Trek and Family Guy humor.
Idk if this is just supposed to be UK TV or not, and we very rarely watch anything new so can’t contribute much anyway (mostly Star Trek and Futurama reruns in this house).
But we have been watching s2 of From, which is basically a horror show about a town stalked by monsters. It started off strong last season but is definitely running the risk of turning into an aimless, Lost-type thing. Still it’s something to watch, innit.
Just finished watching Glitch on Netflix, about people rising from the dead and not in the zombie way, just returning to normal life. That was quite good.
I’m watching Blue Lights for a second time as my partner decided he wanted to give it a go. Glad to see it’s been renewed for another series.
God, I wish there were more “X of the week” type shows. I know breaking bad and a bunch of really great shows came out and made the golden age of serial story heavy TV happen - but man, I’m exhausted having to watch 20 hours of something to get any kind of plot resolution.
I mess the days where you could just watch 40 minutes of a show and have a whole story start to finish. So much less exhausting not having to get super invested. I don’t have the energy for serial TV shows these days!
I blame CSI and Law and Order. I think they oversaturated us with “of the week” procedurals drama so collectively we all jumped ship to these shorter, high concept shows.
Not watching much in earnest at the moment. Ticking over with Sewing Bee and The Real CSI on BBC.
Also gone back to Agents of Shield whenever I have twenty minutes or so to watch something by myself. Halfway through series 3. There are so many episodes…