• @Xandar437
    92 years ago

    A few days of top news stories, then back to our daily routine.

    • @Ketchup
      22 years ago

      Exactly this! Especially if our interactions with ETs are infrequent. We won’t know how to cope with the reality of it. If people can argue the earth is flat, they can argue every bit of evidence is fake. Unless we are all interacting with them on a daily basis.

  • @justdiscussingshit
    82 years ago

    I think it depends on the amount of information revealed. For example if it comes out that humans have been genetically modified by NHi or experimented on via abductions etc the reaction will be much different than if we are just told they are here and nothing else.

  • teft
    72 years ago

    I’m curious how religious people will act. Especially if the NHI is a civilization that has been observing us for millennia.

    • @[email protected]
      102 years ago

      Growing up in a world of fundies, I can almost guarantee it’ll be a lot of “IT’S DEMONS. THE DEVIL IS TRYING TO TRICK YOU!” Outside of that world, I expect a lot more logic and reason. I hope, anyway.

    • @DaughterOfMarsM
      2 years ago

      I think religion is one of the primary reasons that we haven’t had disclosure to this point, as frankly it cannot continue to exist afterward. I’m already experiencing a good amount of ontological shock – imagine how those cults like Elevation will react. These people truly only behave because they believe some creator is watching them. There will be blood in the streets when they realize that’s not true.

      • @429
        2 years ago

        Funny thing is, there are a lot of reports from experiencers that there really is a non-material world out there, and a creator of some sort, and the NHI here are well aware of that. You have to go into the occult/new age/woo side of the phenomenon to get that perspective, but it’s pretty firmly established in “the lore”.

        No one knows how official first contact with NHI is going to go, if it even happens. I’m just saying don’t assume this will be the death of religion because there is plenty of hearsay out there that claims the exact opposite.

        I think it’s going to be hilarious if NHI show up and want to proselytize to us.

  • @[email protected]
    62 years ago

    Good question. Based on not much yet, I’m guessing it won’t be the NHIs revealing themselves. I think it’ll be a government somewhere admitting to knowing about it, slow leak of information, the public never getting the whole story. I hope I’m wrong and there’s full transparency, but we live in a world of secrets so I don’t have my hopes too high on that.

    However, I am really interested to see what comes of the upcoming hearings. People who matter seem to be taking it seriously - not just on the missing money parts, but also the out-there claims that have been made by Grusch.

    • @JordosOP
      42 years ago

      I think the fact is that at a minimum, congress are learning there are some serious skeletons in the DoD’s closet. Hopefully more evidence comes out so we can learn how far the corruption goes.

  • @ChickenWings
    52 years ago

    The cynics will be busy trying to get clicks and views by inventing reasons the NHI isn’t real. Some will think it’s holographic and fake.

    The average person won’t care, or at least won’t change their daily lives or routines. Until it affects them personally, they’ll just keep carrying on.

    Honestly, believers will probably do the same. I categorize myself as want-to-believe-and-am-99%-there. I will probably spend several days glued to social media, news, any source where I can learn as much as possible and chat with others. But I’ll still need to make my mortgage payment, so unless the NHI says something that changes our society, I am not sure my own daily life would change much. And that’s depressing.

  • @fr4nk_j4eger
    52 years ago

    NHI experts everywhere. Politicization of the phenomenon.

  • @Izzoyournizzo
    42 years ago

    I think it would be a shocker to the religious folks. It would basically mean that everything they believe in is a lie. They may have an existential crisis because there is no heaven. I think we might see more lawlessness.

    • @Goauld_are_Pokemon
      52 years ago

      I think most christians are gonna roll with it. Work it into the dogma somehow. Still making humans number one. Some sort of prequel to the bible or something. I think Islam and Judaism would have a harder time dealing with it. Just because they arent missionaries like christians. They dont want to add new members. Christians would probably want to add nhi to the flock.

      End of rant

      • @Ketchup
        52 years ago

        Yes. I was thinking the same thing. It will play into the narrative of their beliefs. Religions will be weighing which side they were sent from. God or the Devil. And they will make attributions based on their biases, and religions will disagree and conflict with one another because of it

  • Bappity
    32 years ago

    depends who it goes to first. if it’s worldwide, all the leaders would probably be fighting over who gets first dibs on contact with them

    • @DaughterOfMarsM
      32 years ago

      I think that ship may have sailed about 70 years ago.

  • @timeisart
    22 years ago

    Depends on the extent of their intervention I guess. If they only contact the heads of governments then I doubt the public would be informed (in fact I believe this is likely already what’s happened).

    But if they were more obvious about it and hovered over our major cities (District 9 style) then there would likely be civil unrest in some form, and the military would probably try to shoot them down.

    I think they know that contact has to be a gradual process. Let’s assume that any NHI that wants to openly make themselves known to humanity and continue to communicate with us would be benevolent (since malevolent species would either rather hide in the shadows or just destroy us in one fell swoop). So what if I told you I believe this gradual contact communication process has been going on for years and continues to this day? Are you open minded enough to consider the answer?