• @drudoo
    210 months ago


    This was honestly the “easiest” day so far for me.

    I’ve worked a lot with 2d array processing in my graduate days (studying image processing and computer graphics) so I had an idea what to do and I didn’t run in to any weird edge cases.

  • @hal9001OP
    110 months ago

    My clojure solution

    That was a fun one to parse. Needed to leak some mutability into my code using the raw Java Matcher as there wasn’t another way to get the indexes of the matches in the string. Luckily it’s contained within a fn so not too bad :D

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    In Factor:

    Here it is on GitHub with comments and imports.

    : symbol-indices ( line -- seq )
      [ ".0123456789" member? not ] find-all [ first ] map
    : num-spans ( line -- seq )
      >array [ over digit? [ nip ] [ 2drop f ] if ] map-index
      { f } split harvest
      [ [ first ] [ last ] bi 2array ] map
    : adjacent? ( num-span symbol-indices -- ? )
      swap [ first 1 - ] [ last 1 + ] bi [a,b]
      '[ _ interval-contains? ] any?
    : part-numbers ( line nearby-symbol-indices -- seq )
      [ dup num-spans ] dip
      '[ _ adjacent? ] filter
      swap '[ first2 1 + _ subseq string>number ] map
    : part1 ( -- )
      "vocab:aoc-2023/day03/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
      [ [ symbol-indices ] map ] keep
        pick swap [ 1 - ?nth-of ] [ nth-of ] [ 1 + ?nth-of ] 2tri
        3append part-numbers sum
      ] map-index sum nip .
    : star-indices ( line -- seq )
      [ CHAR: * = ] find-all [ first ] map
    : gears ( line prev-line next-line -- seq-of-pairs )
      pick star-indices
      [ 1array '[ _ part-numbers ] [ 3dup ] dip tri@ 3append ]
      [ length 2 = ] map-filter [ 3drop ] dip
    : part2 ( -- )
      "vocab:aoc-2023/day03/input.txt" utf8 file-lines
      dup [
        pick swap [ 1 - ?nth-of ] [ 1 + ?nth-of ] 2bi
        gears [ product ] map-sum
      ] map-index sum nip .