Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • @[email protected]
    1410 months ago

    I think I fucked up with the birdseed idea. She will not move for anything! So now I administer treats at the back door:

  • @[email protected]
    1310 months ago

    Holy fuck there was a car accident right in front of my house. I’ve never seen a car crash in person before, it was louder than I thought

    Nobody seems to be hurt

    • @[email protected]
      910 months ago

      It started leaking oil so the fire brigade came out to sweep it up with sand. I’d already called 000 and the Ambos had already arrived before I write the above comment btw

      The cops are slow as usual, but they just called to get further info. The ambos arrived first and they’re still here, I overheard them saying they’re waiting for police

      The dude driving the car rear ended a van that’s parked across the road, nobody was in it luckily, and the driver seemed fine, just a bit dazed

      • @[email protected]
        710 months ago

        Had something similar happen outside my place a few days ago. The bloke over the road had his legally parked bmw flipped clean across the street into the street tree outside my house by a carful of idiots driving too fast through the roundabout in the rain. Horrible noise, the death throes of beautiful engineering. Again, thank goodness, no one was hurt.

        • @[email protected]
          410 months ago

          Jesus Christ that sounds horrific… This wasn’t that bad, seems to have been fairly low speed, but it was freaky to witness

          • @[email protected]
            510 months ago

            All is well that ends well. No one hurt - the only real damage was to the cars and the insurance companies. I agree it can be freaky to see what really happens when a small error of judgement is made on the road. Then you see bad behaviour on the freeway/main roads and wonder when they’ll fail to get lucky.

            • @[email protected]
              310 months ago

              Driving is one thing that I really look forward to AI taking over. I think my kids will be the last generation to learn how to drive. It’s weird, AI is being held to a much stronger standard than humans. It is already better than human drivers, but it seems it won’t take over until it’s near perfect.

              Humans can drive really well, until they get fatigued or distracted and then they suck. But if a robot vehicle has an accident, whose fault is it? The owner of the vehicle? Or the company who makes the AI? This, and whatever we will do with the thousands of people who make a living driving are among the burning questions we need to resolve.

    • PeelerSheila
      410 months ago

      It’s an arresting sound for sure, especially out the front of your house. It happened years ago out front of a place I lived in a real quiet side street. Basically a situation where one car has to pull over and let the other car through because there wasn’t enough room and neither car did, so they had a really slow head-on collision. Myself and neighbours went out front to scratch our heads and ponder the 2 sheepish and embarrassed drivers!

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        I’m not positive on the story, but it seems that the driver was distracted and didn’t see the van parked on the side of the road so rear ended it when he turned the corner right in front of it. Super happy nobody was injured

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Mr Procrastinata and I are on holiday in Germany. We’ve arrived in Frankfurt and it’s -2° this morning! Heading for Würzburg where it’s snowing. Winter’s here!

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    So I live near the carmelite monastery and just witnessed two nuns buy an UNHOLY amount of cheese and crackers at Leos.

    They weren’t messing around for a monday,

    • bull⚡
      1010 months ago

      There’s a Cheesus Christ joke somewhere here I can smell it. Maybe that’s just the cheese.

    • @[email protected]
      1010 months ago

      nun reading the nun rules “no sex, no booze, no blasphemy, etc and so on” looks up at a room full of anxious nuns “nothing about cheese”
      many cheers.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      Ooh, hoity toity. Same postcode but the far less glamorous side over here…

      That said, I’ve always preferred the cheese selection at Toscanos. (Get some nice markdowns from time to time) I’d do cheese there and crackers at Leo’s.

      And maybe if they bought some Jarlsberg or Emmental it might be less unholy. Gouda bless them.

  • Catfish
    10 months ago

    Headache! Need moar water!

    EDIT: possibly make that need moar RATs, Boyo running 38.8. Swear words!

  • @[email protected]
    1010 months ago

    Read that 7-11 in Australia has been bought over by the Japanese parent company. I almost never go to convenience stores myself, but hope this means Australian 7-11s will up their game. Japanese kombini food is legit.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    If you call and I don’t pick up, leave a message and wait to be called back. Don’t call 3 more times in the space of two hours. Seriously, some people have no shame. Calling me more only makes me want to pick up less.

  • @[email protected]
    910 months ago

    Dunno if this is gonna register for non-car people, but I need to get this off my chest. I finally got my old car back from the mechanic (not the Mazda, this is the one I sold to cover the Mazda’s debt). Its new owners collect it next weekend so it I took her out for a farewell drive. This car man… it… shit im gonna tear up again. This car I’ve had for close to 10 years. None of the previous cars lasted 1/4 of that time. It’s almost the most stable relationship of my whole life! I got this car when I was in my early 20s and it was the start of turning my life around. And I loved it, with everything in my heart. It wasn’t the fastest or the best or anything. But it was reliable, it was sexy and it was fun. And it was my baby! You cant even buy a manual version of it any more, She’s rare now!

    In every way my new Kia is vastly superior. But damn I will miss that little car. The only way I’m gonna get through this is because I’ve promised myself one day, before my 40th birthday (years away) I’m gonna go buy the bigger sportier brother of what I had. One day I’ll be back. But until then, I’ll still think of her.

    • CEOofmyhouse56
      410 months ago

      Hugs mate. I bought my Corolla brand new in 2006 and joked that it’ll become a family heirloom some day that I can pass on. The reality is my daughter has her learner’s now and it’s still going strong. She may get to own it soon.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        haha I teased my mate for getting rid of his Corolla when he had a baby on the way. Said if he kept it he would teach his kid to drive in it one day.

    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      I TOTALLY get it.

      I owned a nice little manual hot hatch from new, had it for 15 years and loved it. Drove it to far north Queensland, many trips to Sydney and Brisbane, blasts across the Great Alpine Rd and the Great Ocean Rd. We had many adventures together and it was there through all my ups and downs in life.

      Traded it in 2017 for a family-friendly kid-safe second car, which is superior in every way (well apart from the fact it’s auto, but even that’s a plus the way my commute is these days).

      However I’d be lying if I didn’t say I miss the hell out of my old car, and wish I could have afforded to hang onto it as a fun weekender and eventual project.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Traded it in 2017 for a family-friendly kid-safe second car, which is superior in every way (well apart from the fact it’s auto, but even that’s a plus the way my commute is these days). SAME! Getting rid of my manual for an auto SUV feels sacrilegious in the highest order.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      I kind-of get it. I’m not a car person, but I felt a twinge when I sold my old Pulsar. It was a fantastic car, and the main reason I sold it was because I bought it for a different stage in my life (when I was single). With the four of us, it was simply too small.

      So I now have an Outlander. I’ll have a similar twinge when I sell it, too. It has already taken us on adventures. Plus, mum rode in it - no future car will have that. I’m not looking forward to whatever makes us get rid of it.

      I guess my point is it’s a bit sad to say goodbye, but you’ll always make new adventures!

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      I felt this way even with my first very own car which I only had for 3 years. I legit teared up on my last drive back from the mechanic. After spending most of my adult life without a licence let alone a car, I went through so much in such a short time with that car, especaially through big life changes: lockdowns, moving to my own rental, changes in friends…

      Felt like I was saying goodbye to a part of me. Nothing particularly special about that car but still…

  • Catfish
    810 months ago

    Welcome to Numbat Facts.

    Numbats do not drink, they obtain all their water from food.

    Send STOP to unscscribe.

  • bull⚡
    810 months ago

    I better check my privilege but I can’t remember the last cinema I sat in which didn’t have recliner seats but I am sat in one right now. Garbage Village Cinemas was the only cinema showing Godzilla Minus One on a big screen 👎

  • @[email protected]
    710 months ago

    Ugh, came home from my Japan trip to find my roomate has thrashed the stove. He claims that he “burnt hand and dropped a pot on it”…

    He didn’t even bother to clean up as well, saying that I’m a recovering alcoholic, who’s too sick. Well hire a cleaner then. It’s pretty poor form not cleaning, after I clean the place up before I go away.

    • @[email protected]
      910 months ago

      The corner as well. That looks like some serious hard work went into damaging it. Friction AND impact.
      Call me a nasty suspicious bitch, but check to see if the fridge is damaged too where it can’t be seen. Particularly if it’s recessed into a niche.
      Make him pay for a replacement as I don’t think that finish can be repaired without it being horribly obvious. Also rust issues if not repaired.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          Yeah, he keeps gaslighting me.

          I called out that the landlord isn’t going to be happy, and then he goes, I’ve offered to pay. Stop being a fucking manchild.

          I want him out. He’s the fucking man child who cannot look after the house at all whenever I’m away.

          • @[email protected]
            410 months ago

            Are you a woman? Women tend to say manchild more. Are you safe living with this guy? Reach out or just call the cops if things get too sketchy.

    • bull⚡
      810 months ago

      Dropped a pot?? It looks like he took to it with an angle grinder! Maybe thinking he can make it chrome instead of black? This dude needs to go. What a liability.

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      That is a piece of shit move. Either you leave or they do, get off the lease from that person as you’re liable for the damages as well.

    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      What the actual…

      That is the biggest load I’ve heard from looking at the stove. I imagine whatever was cooking if he’d dropped the pot would have been EVERYWHERE and likely a bit more than just a burnt hand.

  • @[email protected]
    710 months ago

    Heading off for 11 days interstate on Thursday and I’m overcome with panic that I won’t finish this work project before I go. Every time I write another section I find more issues that need addressing. Fucking documentation, man… There’s a hard limit to the number of hours I can spend on this anyway, and I think I’ve used 70% of it. So I’m going to have to just accept that it’ll be incomplete and that’s it. Trying not to go down the “you’re mid 30s and still can’t estimate your time properly, who would ever trust you in a job” route and relive all the failures and criticisms at this job - just gotta wear it and end this motherfucking chapter of my life already.

    Also was very anxious that I have to do a whole bunch of chores before I leave, and I have stuff on Tuesday and Wednesday night… but I’ve made my packing list, vacuumed the house, now going to make the goddamn vegan kung pao chicken I’ve procrastinated for 6 days, and tomorrow I’m going to do all the laundry then pack.

    I got this. I definitely got this

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        The project was only given x number of hours. And given the company’s struggling a bit financially these last couple months, plus my boss + admin’s general disdain for me, I don’t expect them to really add more hours

        e: frankly I want it to all end too. I just also want to do a thorough job, which, when it comes to documentation of processes, can very much be how long is a piece of string.

          • @[email protected]
            310 months ago

            Yeah it’s been a long breakup haha… But because I haven’t got anything else lined up yet, or indeed figured out if I’m still even staying on in Melbourne, it’s dragged out