How does Spotify even have 1500 workers ?? What are they all doing ??
counting pennies
Entering lyrics and the stupid video things on the albums that I always immediately turn off when I install it in my phone
They have something like 9000
They have a lot of small stuff we mostly ignore. Bios, tour dates, merch pages, lyrics, newsletters, radios, support, translations in different languages. I can bet a handfull of nothing there’s much more underpaid manual labor than we can imagine. Plus, the covid IT bubble when many companies obviously overhired just to fire thousands in 2023.
Save costs? You already take most of the artist’s income from song views… The fuck is Spotify spending it on?
Paying rich fucks a lot for their podcasts.
AI DJs of course! That thing we all asked for! 🙄
Also the elaborate slideshow showing I’ve listened to the same 10 songs again this year.