We called it a draw, as time for play came to a close.

Highlights of the game include the Urbie scoring an AC10 hit on the torso of the Cyclops, and putting it over the edge to take a piloting check which it then failed and fell over. The Cyclops remained on the ground for the rest of the game.

My Atlas also ended up knocked on its face from the combined fire of enemy mechs. It picked itself up, only to be knocked down a second time. The LRM and SRMs were both destroyed in a single round of shooting as critical hits peppered the internals.

The Wasp approached the Urbie and managed to destroy the Urbie’s AC10. The Wasp then tried to disengage so it could attack the Catapult. The Urbie used its jump jets to successfully perform a death from above attack which knocked both mechs down. The Urbie pilot knocked himself unconscious with the attack.

  • @Gutek8134
    310 months ago

    When I played with my friend, his assault (forgot the model) was killed by random headshot from my LRMs