I’d like to see the list in readable quality
I’d like to see the list in readable quality
People made mods with NPCs powered by LLMs
I’ve never tried them, the quality is probably questionable at best, but I don’t think those guys will notice a difference
Is there any video game like that or is it board/ttrpg only?
I thought I had a meme about Polish people doing Florida man stuff, but I didn’t
The only one I remember is this story
Accept this kurwa as a substitute: KURWA
Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion. Bodies in rest tend to stay in rest.
Who is Ge an since when do they rule many?
Also, didn’t his memecoin get rugpulled?
I’ve got 1000+hours in League, and 330 in DOTA, and I’ve got to say, it feels much easier to uno reverse a DOTA match due to everyone being op in their own way
One time I killed Nature’s Prophet that was 10 levels ahead of me just because I used blade mail (80% damage reflection) when he tried to nuke my Abaddon (damage heals you) and used the gold to carry the rest of the match
The current method of creating monocrystals, a very important thing for modern processing units, has been created by a tired researcher that dipped his pen in molten tin instead of ink
Here’s something from Canada with French(?) lyrics: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=1pJGH1OGRZI
I’ve been learning how to scream for about 3 years now, if I understand correctly pain after any amount of time can be a sign of bad technique, and I’ve extrapolated to singing
Was it wrong? Yes. Sometimes it doesn’t occur to me that I’m doing something bad until a few hours to months later
Oh, I am in this group. I have a mid range PC (Ryzen 5 3600, GTX 1660S) and still mostly play indies or 5+ year old games, because they’re (usually) patched and dirt cheap.
I have another one
(Translation: Your file’s duration exceeds maximum length equal to 5.2 s)