Panera, formerly Panera Bread.

This is THE SECOND person who died from drinking this.

  • 𝔇𝔦𝔬
    2410 months ago

    Well damn. Wish I could try it, especially before they inevitably discontinue if these cases are actually because of it. Siiigh.

    • @hperrin
      4310 months ago

      From what I’ve heard, they are not very good. But what do I know, apparently they’re to die for.

      • @aalvare2
        510 months ago

        Take my upvote and get the fuck outta here

    • @PRUSSIA_x86
      1810 months ago

      Add vodka and create the ultimate beverage

      • Bakkoda
        1010 months ago

        Add a liter of vodka and create the ultimate beverage

        Now we’re rocking

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago

        Are people just forgetting 4 Loko existed (in its original form, I mean)? I’ve never been so drunk so quickly. I drank a few of them one time without realizing how much alcohol was in one of them. They apparently ranked from a few percent ABV all the way up to 14. I woke up in a pool of alcoholic Strawberry Lemonade vomit.

      • @RustedSwitch
        210 months ago

        Budweiser had a caffeinated beer in 2004!

    • ℛ𝒶𝓋ℯ𝓃
      410 months ago

      They’re pretty good, but I’d never drink more than a small. My caffeine tolerance is terrible though (can barely handle a monster).

    • @NOT_RICK
      110 months ago

      They’re good but they have a lot of caffeine in them

  • @pastaPersona
    1310 months ago

    This seems like something that could’ve been avoided with clearer labeling, IE “Contains 300 mg of caffeine avoid if you have a health condition” or similar.

    • ℛ𝒶𝓋ℯ𝓃
      1210 months ago

      We put up signs literally everywhere after the first incident (front door, coffee bar, drive-thru, drive-thru menu, and counter) in like 30 point font that says how much caffeine and that it isn’t recommended for (very long scary list of all possible) sensitive groups… The first incident was avoidable, but this time is on them…

      • @cm0002
        410 months ago

        It was pretty clear to me even before, it literally says “charged” lemonade. The word charged immediately implies it’s not a normal lemonade and something is being added to it. There has to be a line for personal responsibility at some point.

        • @[email protected]
          910 months ago

          I mean, marketing is bullshit, so I don’t blame people for not caring about product names.

          I’ve had “fire hot” and “thermonuclear” hot sauces that were barely hot.

          I’ve had “unlimited” data plans that were limited.

          I’ve had cereal that’s “part of a balanced breakfast”, but only if you eat half a dry cup in skim milk with no other sugar in your meal.

          People are used to marketing lying to them about everything. Not saying they shouldn’t pay attention, but not gonna blame them for assuming the name of a drink is just bullshit.

        • Bipta
          610 months ago

          No one is supposed to assume the thing added to their food will kill them… Your logic is insanely laughable.

          • @[email protected]
            710 months ago

            If you have a heart condition a lot of stuff that is completely benign to everyone else can be fatal to you, so who bears responsibility there?

            • a lil bee 🐝
              310 months ago

              I’ve seen this take a lot, but I would also like to bring up that a lot of people have heart conditions that they may not even be aware of. To be clear, I have no idea how you’d legislate this, but in a perfect world, I think it makes sense to limit certain ingredients based on a risk factor including the availability of the drink, the risk threshold of someone with an underlying condition consuming it, and the likelihood of someone with said health condition knowing that. And I’m not sure what the numbers look like in the end, but I do know this is a fuck ton of caffeine, sold in a drive thru, that can adversely affect people with one of the most common health conditions that is frequently invisible until a real incident. I don’t even necessarily think Panera is acting in a negligent way, but this is a potentially disastrous combo.

              • @[email protected]
                -110 months ago

                Why legislate? If there is legislation, it should merely be around labeling, like something to the effect of:

                “Contains 300mg caffeine, which is equivalent to 3 cups of brewed black coffee, 6 cups of black tea, or 15 cups of cola.”

                Now the customer has a point of reference and can decide for themselves, and all Panera needs to do is correctly label their products. We already have legislation around nutritional labeling, and we can make them more strict for items on menus with certain classes of ingredients.

                • a lil bee 🐝
                  210 months ago

                  I would agree with that. And maybe something more explicit about exceeding the safe intake levels by huge percentages.

          • @cm0002
            -210 months ago

            charged lemonade? What’s that?”

            Cashier: “That’s our caffeinated version of lemonade”

            “Oh, how much caffeine is in it”

            Cashier: “About an energy drinks worth maybe more” or alternatively “Not sure, I think more than coffee”

            “Oh nvm then, best if I avoid caffeine, especially if you’re not sure of how much caffeine is in it”

            Such a simple interaction, takes like 20 seconds.

            • @[email protected]
              010 months ago

              The cashier should know how much it has, ideally by having it written on the menu. It could even compare to coffee or soda so the customer has a point of reference.

              Another commenter said that Panera had signs to that effect after the first incident, so it’s likely that was a franchise-wide change. This seems to be entirely on the customer.

        • @SendMePhotos
          010 months ago

          I agree that something should click in the brain saying, “hey what’s this?”

          I disagree because the general population is fucking retarded.

          • snooggums
            -310 months ago

            People know what they are ordering at a bar.

            ‘Charged Lemonade’ could mean anything, and people at fucking Panera Bread shouldn’t need to be checking to see if something that is normally just a sweet lemon flavored drink contains more caffeine than energy drinks.

            • DeepFriedDresden
              910 months ago

              “Hard lemonade could mean anything.”

              They have signs up listing how much caffeine is in them, which by the way, isn’t legally mandated. The only requirement the FDA has on caffeine labeling is that it’s listed as an ingredient. That’s it. The amount of caffeine doesn’t have to be disclosed.

              So if the amount of caffeine is known, what more do they need to do before it becomes the consumer’s responsibility? Your argument is that it’s dangerous, but alcohol is much more dangerous than what is known from the surgeon General warning, and its dangerous to those not consuming it as well.

              You can’t treat it different because of the novelty of the item, in which case maybe the FDA needs to mandate all drugs to have warning labels, not just OTC and alcohol.

              • Urist
                110 months ago

                hard lemonade could mean anything

                No, hard lemonade means it has alcohol in it, like hard cider. When packaged beverages are sold with alcohol in America, it’s required to list how much alcohol is in it. Wine does this, beer does this. If someone told me they were giving me “hard pineapple juice” the first thing I would ask is if it had alcohol in it, because that’s what that combination of words means in the context of fruit beverages.

                I can expect “sweet plorbus” to have sugar in it and to avoid it if I’m diabetic and watching my intake. Words mean stuff. “Charged” doesn’t mean anything in the context of drinks. Charged with what, electrolytes? Do plants crave it?

                Putting an unknown energy drink on a fountain is stupid if you don’t warn people. This is the same case. I also don’t expect fountain drinks to contain peanuts. I don’t think there’s any specific signage required to sell drinks on a fountain that could cause peanut allergies, but companies would avoid doing that due to obvious reasons (plus I can’t imagine it would taste good?). Lemons don’t have caffeine in them naturally.

                The fact that the FDA isn’t regulating this signage is IMHO a failure of the FDA. IMHO Starbucks should be liable for serving drinks with unexpected amounts of caffeine in it. We need to stop forgiving companies when they hurt people just because the government didn’t hold their hands hard enough.

            • @cm0002
              410 months ago

              So if you see a food or drink that’s unfamiliar on the menu instead of asking about it or doing the most basic research on it you should just order and slam it down then?

              It’s basic comprehension, you see the word “charged” and “lemonade” together it’s quite obvious it’s not a normal lemonade.

                • @cm0002
                  10 months ago

                  It’s basic comprehension, you see the word “charged” and “lemonade” together it’s quite obvious it’s not a normal lemonade.

    • tygerprints
      410 months ago

      Caffeine is so addicting and so bad for the heart. Isn’t it great? I have to have it throughout the day, because I’m so used to it that without it, I get pounding headaches. Usually I only drink about 1/2 cup of coffee a day, but I do drink diet coke throughout the day and eat chocolate all the time. I find if I try to go without it, the headaches are so intense as to be debilitating.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Maybe you should wean yourself off then. I would hate to feel like a slave to a substance. Perhaps start with cutting out the soda, that’s probably what’s causing the physical dependence.

        I personally rarely have caffeine. I sleep pretty well, so I’m not that tired in the morning (I don’t even use an alarm). I think people use caffeine to cover up bad habits, and that often feeds back on itself and leads to dependence.

        • tygerprints
          310 months ago

          You’re right I’m sure. I should wean myself off. I started drinking coffee (very weak with milk) when I was about eight and I’m 65 now - so, maybe too late to quit?

          And I don’t really drink that much soda, I have a half glass of diet coke (and some water) after lunch and then water until dinner time, then another half glass of diet coke until I switch back to water again around 8:00pm.

          If I were a drinker, like everyone else in my family, I’d probably forgo the soda and just have bourbon - I love that stuff, but my body can’t process alcohol so I just always went the diet Coke route.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            maybe too late to quit?

            My understanding is that addiction to caffeine is pretty quick to break, and withdrawals usually last no more than a day. It’s not like smoking or alcohol where there’s strong physical dependence.

            And it’s interesting that you’re getting such those symptoms with only a half a cup of coffee and a half glass of coke periodically. That doesn’t sound like a ton of caffeine, and my understanding is that there are only concerns with >100mg or so of caffeine (obviously varies per person). Coffee is something like 60-80mg per 8oz, and soda is something like 20mg, so depending on what “half a cup” means for you, you’re at or below 100mg.

            So I wonder if there’s something else going on that you should consult a doctor about. Skipping caffeine for a day or two should be enough, so maybe give that a shot.

            • tygerprints
              110 months ago

              Well I’m pretty moderate in my caffeine use. Partly because my stomach doesn’t like most stuff that contains it - for example, I can drink about 1/3rd cup of (watered down) coffee a day before my GI system starts to feel like a warzone of pain.

              I’ve a regular GI doctor, and we just completed the scopes down my throat and up - well, the other end. And they said everything looks good, no polyps to remove, they aren’t even sure I really have diverticulitis, which another doctor said I probably did have.

              So, I think it’s weird also that I still get throbbing headaches if I go without caffeine - but I get headaches every day, so maybe the problems between my ears (a lot of people would probably agree with that assessment).

              • @[email protected]
                110 months ago

                maybe the problems between my ears

                Lol, I hear that. I certainly have plenty of my own.

                I also don’t drink much caffeine at all, in fact, most days I have none. I find it messes with my sleep, and if I have more than a medium-sized soda in a short amount of time, I get a bit jittery. I mostly just drink it when I need to be more alert, like if I’m driving late at night or something.

                Anyway, good luck, hopefully you figure out what’s causing issues.

                • tygerprints
                  210 months ago

                  Thanks for the well wishes, I know what you mean about having trouble sleeping - most nights I simply don’t fall asleep for several hours after going to bed. And then, my dreams are usually all very unpleasant nightmares.

                  So I don’t really rest well anyway. Perhaps I’m the #1 candidate for “don’t give this person any sugar or caffeine!”

  • tygerprints
    1010 months ago

    I heard on the evening news (and I’m only reporting what they said) that the guy had high blood pressure already - not the kind of person who should be chugging “charged” anything anyway. Those energy drinks are not good for your heart, but I do get why people use them. I just think they’re not for everyone.

    • snooggums
      1610 months ago

      ‘Not for everyone’ generally means some people just don’t like that thing, not that it causes fatalities.

      • Entropywins
        610 months ago

        If you are at risk for certain activities or drugs, like caffeine, you are part of the not for everyone demographic…

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        IDK, I think it’s fair to say peanuts aren’t for everyone, and they can cause death if you’re seriously allergic to them. Most people are fine having them, but many don’t like them and some have negative reactions to them.

        If you know your body would have issues with it, don’t have it, but it’s fine for the general public.

      • tygerprints
        310 months ago

        That’s true enough. There were a mere 34 deaths from energy drink fatalities according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest this year so - it doesn’t even compare to gun deaths or auto accidents. I guess that can be considered pretty safe.

        • @[email protected]
          610 months ago

          Honestly that makes this Panera stuff seem worse if its caused two deaths out of a low number, unless their lemonade is a bigger share of the energy drinks market than I’d assume.

          • tygerprints
            310 months ago

            I don’t know the stats, but I have been under the impression that energy drinks with extra caffeine are generally regarded as not being all that safe anyway - but I could be wrong. I know that my own doctor has told me to stay away from energy drinks, I assume because of my blood pressure problems and GI problems, but I’m not sure. Most everyone else seems to enjoy them and have no troubles of any kind.

            • @[email protected]
              410 months ago

              Energy drink is a huge umbrella term that encompasses 16 Oz or larger cans of heavily sweetened liquid, drinks the containe strange stimulants that are way more aggressive than caffeine, workout drinks that have no caffeine, drinks with caffeine and a ton of tangential stuff in it and vitamins, to drinks that have less caffeine then a cup of coffee.

              A Venti Starbucks has 5x more caffeine than an 8oz redbull and vastly more sugar, depending on your preferences. A like comparison has 20oz Starbucks at >400mg caffeine and avg of 300 calories (0-600 range, most people choose 400+ options). 20oz of redbull is 171 MG caffeine and 258 calories.

              Energy drinks are just easy and more predictable than coffee.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Literally everyone has high blood pressure as of the most recent CDC update which calls anything above 120/70 hypertension.

    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      So I can’t buy a few to go to give to my friends/family? That’s kinda stupid.

      How about these customers just not consume stuff that’s dangerous for them? Maybe put a warning that since it has a lot of caffeine, people should consult a doctor if they have known health conditions about what amount of caffeine they can handle.

        • @[email protected]
          210 months ago

          Why? If they’re properly informed (e.g. there’s a label saying how much caffeine it has, and a comparison to other common beverages), people should be able to choose for themselves.

          • queermunist she/her
            -510 months ago

            And what if they aren’t properly informed about their own health? It’s not like they have to get their blood pressure tested to order a drink.

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              Then I guess they’ll find out real quick. The same goes if someone doesn’t know they have a peanut allergy at a restaurant.

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago


      “Panera lol one per customer I just made two orders with different mobile app accounts”

      • queermunist she/her
        -510 months ago

        Yeah they’d have to basically make it against the rules to ever have two lemonades, even if one is for someone else. People are determined to kill themselves lol