So this just started happening to me at 50ish hours in at the 150 manual save mark. Any suggestions as to why this still happens?

  • @Moghul
    31 year ago

    Can you give some more info? PC or console? Windows or Linux? Mods or no mods? Did you verify game files? Fresh install or after the update? HDD or SSD? Is HDD mode on?

    • Herbal GamerOP
      11 year ago

      PC , Windows 10, on external SSD, few mods but none installed recently and no big changes through them. Version 2.01, pirated for now.

      • @Moghul
        11 year ago

        I can’t know for sure but the most likely culprits are the fact that the ssd is external or a mod acting up. You could try backing up your save files, reinstalling the game without mods, and putting them back to see if you can make new saves.

        • Herbal GamerOP
          11 year ago

          I just realised that another program was filling up my C: drive and making some space seems to have helped so let’s hope it was just too little space for the save files.

          • @Moghul
            21 year ago

            That should be easy to test, good luck!