• gregorum
    495 months ago

    this is good because now:

    1. these people now know that there will be consequences for doing this treasonous shit when you both get sued and indicted
    2. they also know that Truplestiltskin will not bail them out or come to your rescue when you do get caught (and you will get caught*)
    3. people likely to try this in the future aren’t as brazen and bold as the Trumpettes at the top, so will be far less likely to risk this crap in the future, knowing the very real risk they’re taking and they very real consequences they’ll face when they get caught.
    4. last but not least: Justice, of course
    • @Wrench
      145 months ago

      I wouldn’t hold my breath. The Wisconsin fake electors are the first to be sentenced, and it was nothing. They can’t be electors when Trump is on the ballot. That’s the extent of the punishment.

      That’s not going to discourage anyone. The opposite, really.

      • gregorum
        5 months ago

        I hear ya, but I think I made a pretty good case for why it’s not “nothing”. If you wanna make an argument for why it’s not “enough“, then I’m right on board with you. 

    • Goku
      35 months ago
      1. Yes
      2. Yes
      3. Yes
      4. Hell yes
  • AutoTL;DRB
    105 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    In Wisconsin, 10 Republicans who posed as electors settled a civil lawsuit Wednesday, admitting their actions were part of an effort to overturn President Biden’s victory.

    In December 2020, six Republicans signed certificates falsely stating that Trump won Nevada and sent them to Congress and the National Archives, where they were ultimately ignored.

    The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol looked into the role these fake electors in key battleground states took in Trump’s attempt to cling to power after his 2020 defeat.

    Trump and his attorneys also had a direct hand in the planning and execution of the fake elector scheme, including a conference call with McDonald, transcripts released last year show.

    McDonald said in a brief phone interview that he had spent much of the day checking on people close to him who had been at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, when a person opened fire on campus hours earlier.

    Fred Lokken, a longtime political science professor at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, said Wednesday the indictment isn’t necessarily a surprise.

    The original article contains 765 words, the summary contains 179 words. Saved 77%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!