A Texas judge on Thursday granted an emergency order allowing a pregnant woman whose fetus has a fatal diagnosis to get an abortion in the state.

Late last month, Kate Cox, a 31-year-old Dallas-area mother of two who is about 20 weeks pregnant, found out that her developing fetus has trisomy 18, a rare chromosomal disorder likely to cause stillbirth or the death of the baby shortly after it’s born.

Cox told NBC News Thursday afternoon that she was “hopeful” and very grateful after the judge’s decision.

  • Rob
    7510 months ago

    Good. Now do it for the rest of the women in Texas who want abortions.

    • @TenthrowM
      3110 months ago

      Especially, but not exclusively, the ones who need it as well.

      • Rob
        410 months ago


  • @[email protected]
    7410 months ago

    Texas: where the Party of “small government” forces you to appeal your personal health decisions to judges and politicians…

    • @paintbucketholder
      2210 months ago

      These must be those death panels Republicans warned us of when the Affordable Care Act passed…

    • @afraid_of_zombies
      910 months ago

      Lawyers making medical decisions instead of patients and doctors.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Yeah, and if someone receives the diagnosis too late then there may not be time to go to court and still perform the procedure before it’s too late. This woman was lucky to have lawyers working on her behalf.

      Now the Republicans will always point to the few examples such as this one to claim their system is merciful and fair. It’s such BS though, as if a judge’s opinion on a medical issue matters one bit against those of doctors.

      • partial_accumen
        10 months ago

        Yeah, and if someone receives the diagnosis too late then there may not be time to go to court and still perform the procedure before it’s too late. This woman was lucky to have lawyers working on her behalf.

        And lets be realistic, money.

        Bans on abortion, even a nationwide ban, is just a ban on abortion for the poor.

        • the rich can fly to another country to get an abortion without even thinking about the time or costs
        • the middle class can drain their retirement savings, get a second mortgage, or sell their few valuables to be able to get enough money to fly to another country to get an abortion

        The only the poor don’t have enough resources to get an abortion, so the poor are forced to give birth. This is the republican dream made real.

        • Hillock
          710 months ago

          While I wish it wasn’t necessary to go take these steps, the cost of going to a different country for an abortion are much smaller than you imply.

          The total cost to get a surgical abortion in Canada is at most USD 5,000. That includes flight, hotel, the procedure, and going back to Canada for a checkup after 2-3 weeks. That’s still a lot of money but not take a second mortgage money.

          Depending on the exact clinic and circumstances the total for a surgical could be closer to USD 2,500.

          If you notice the pregnancy early and can get a medical abortion the total cost is below USD 1,000 and that includes 3-4 nights in Canada so you don’t have to take any medication into the US.

          Again having to go through this is bullshit and it is still more money than some can afford. But I don’t want anyone reading your comment to think it costs tens of thousands of dollars to get an abortion out of the country.

          • partial_accumen
            610 months ago

            First, I really appreciate you laying out some actual numbers for people reading this post. I’m glad you’re providing this information.

            While I wish it wasn’t necessary to go take these steps, the cost of going to a different country for an abortion are much smaller than you imply.


            That’s still a lot of money but not take a second mortgage money.

            The middle class itself is a range of incomes and financial situations. Sadly, many in the USA firmly in the middle class would find and extreme struggle to come up with $5k USD unplanned.

            56% of Americans can’t cover a $1,000 emergency expense with savings

            I was trying to drive the point home that the only ones that don’t have the option through any means are the poor.

  • @Got_Bent
    3710 months ago

    Next up, the state appeals, prolonging the case until this godless harlot has no choice but to birth her already dead child just like the good Lord, our Savior, Republican Jesus, would want it.


  • @[email protected]
    2410 months ago

    Requiring trials and lawsuits to determine whether or not you can get a basic medical procedure is called SMALL GOVERNMENT!

  • @Late2TheParty
    1510 months ago

    How magnanimous to allow someone to do with their body what they choose.

  • @[email protected]
    1310 months ago

    Seems sane.

    Until someone sues the mother, the hospital, the doctor, the judge and the state for something something Jesus.

    • @EatYouWell
      310 months ago

      The Texas AG is planning on doing just that.

  • @middlemanSI
    1210 months ago

    I’m overwhelmed by the amount of dumb in the world.

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    Is it weird that I’m shocked that the Texas judge approved her request? That’s pretty fucked that this is news, and that I’m shocked that the judge approved her request. That’s the state of the world we live in, where this is shocking news.