Christmas parties ahoy! Beware the part time drinkers and handsy bosses
Got the deep fat fryer oan. Fish and chips fer dinner, yaas. Pairty wi pals the morn, panto Sunday, an hud a maad week wi werk awridy. Is it Christmas day yet? Need a rest!
No long to go!! Hope the party and panto are good fun!! x
Just in from the work night out! Part time drinker here!! Not had a drink in a long time but partook tonight to be sociable!!! Out again tomorrow!! Knackered!! Enjoy your weekend!! xx
Ooft, two in a row, good luck! Anyone make a tit oh themsel? Always one at a work doo
No major tits!! There was 1 who kept skipping songs and going up to sing, but all her songs were shit and she is in a choir so thinks shes good but not actually that great!! That was probably the worst of it!! No drama and a good laugh!!