• @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    Here’s an interesting article comparing some different approaches to border security: https://leitf.org/2021/04/enforcement-priorities/

    This constant “crisis at the border” bullshit is so tiresome because it is the same as all those other hot button bullshit political talking points like “get tough on crime” or “family values” or “protecting our children”. It is the eternal ongoing crisis that we can be concerned about without ever having to worry about any real solutions presenting themselves. This is a good distraction from other more pressing issues like the alarming rise in homeless population or the ever growing wealth gap.

    Further, people don’t seem to recognize that US foreign policy had a direct influence on the number of people trying to get across the southern border. So many resources and efforts were put Into destabilizing every part of Latin America, that the consequences are still being felt today.

    • ThrowawayOP
      -71 year ago

      Its only a “constant crisis at the border” because the feds refuse to secure it. Its like climate change, its not going to stop because people want to ignore it.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        No man, it’s a constant crisis because fox news constantly proclaims it, as it’s a sure fire way of rustling the jimmies of racist boomers, but thanks for your super low effort reply.

        Obama deported more people than any other president in history. The illegal immigrant population in the US stopped growing for the first time in decades. Because this was done by a democrat, these facts were invisible to those who preferred to wring their hands and demand something be done about all the “bad hombres” streaming across the border.

        But tell me, party of small government and low taxes and responsible spending, what sort of “secure border” are you looking for? What’s a practical, reasonable budget for a 2000 mile border? Do you want two thousand miles of concrete barriers and machine gun towers every 50 yards?

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Fox news?


          Who needs fox News to know the Biden Administration is not only NOT enforcing our laws, they’re saying states that are trying to enforce our laws are breaking the law.

          Stop being so ideologically blinded.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            Ok that sentence is not making any damn sense to me. They’re not only NOT enforcing our laws, they’re saying states that are trying to enforce our laws? What?

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            “Start making it less desirable to sneak into the US and people will stop sneaking into the U.S.”

            This seems like 100% sensible thinking.

            Unfortunately it may be easier said than done. In El Salvador for example, US intervention during the 60’s to stop workers from getting rights, and preventing a minimum wage from being set, came in the form of paramilitary groups that became death squads that would murder anyone critical of the government. Things got more violent and dangerous throughout the 70’s, and in the 80’s there was a revolution, and the US responded by pouring in more guns and bombs so the repressive government could kill even more people.

            El Salvador, once widely considered the murder capital of the world, has been pretty fubar ever since. So imagine someone willing to risk their life and walk 3000 miles for a chance at a better life. They might not be deterred very easily.

            • @[email protected]
              -21 year ago

              So imagine someone willing to risk their life and walk 3000 miles for a chance at a better life. They might not be deterred very easily.

              So then make it such that there’s nothing here for them and make sure they know that their prospects here would be worse than at home.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    Immigration into the United States, especially for skilled people, should be easier than it is. It should also be easier for foreigners to enter temporarily to do seasonal unskilled work. And it should be a lot easier for citizens of the US to live and work throughout Europe, Japan, and Australia and vice-versa, simply on the strength of their passports. Conversely the asylum system is being abused and needs to be reformed, as well. (It’s being abused by people who are left no other options for immigration into the United States.)

    I largely think trying to secure a 2500-mile land border is a waste of money, the world’s largest game of whack-a-mole, but if that’s what conservatives want out of comprehensive immigration policy reform then I’d support it and it’s good to see Fetterman, who’s always been a reasonable guy, trying to lead the charge here.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        It’s pretty standard in all countries for a work visa to be tied to your sponsorship by a particular employer, but you’re right, it puts the employee in a terrible position. I’d like to see the US lead a movement to liberalize this visa category.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            It provides no path to citizenship

            Is it important that it does? Or maybe I don’t understand what it means to not have a path to citizenship. Like you can’t ever naturalize if you’re here on H1b, ever?

            The path to citizenship should be the same for everyone regardless of national origin, it seems to me, and it shoudn’t be related to how you’re in the country, or even if you are to start with. I think someone on a tourist entry should have the same path to citizenship, if they want it.

            If they’re are that special and High skilled, we should have a visa that just lets them work for anyone.

            I agree with this. I’d expand it - I think if you hold a passport from the US, Canada, the EU, Japan, or Australia you should be in a Shengen-like arrangement that allows you free movement and employability in any of those countries.

    • ThrowawayOP
      -31 year ago

      We already take a quarter of the worlds immigrants,how much more brain drain do you want? Its killing other countries.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        There’s no reason for that to be a concern of US immigration policy. Better for us if it isn’t, in fact.

  • @Skyrmir
    -11 year ago

    Show me what taxes the right has proposed to pay for border security. Until they’re willing to pay for it, I’m pretty sure all they want to do is whine about it.

      • @Skyrmir
        11 year ago

        They’re getting exactly what they paid for, and are demanding more. In my experience, getting more, costs more.

          • @Skyrmir
            01 year ago

            Great, find anyone showing a waste of money in border security. Other than the fraudulent build a wall fund.

            And even if you did find it, that still wouldn’t pay for the increases that the right is crying about, and not putting up any way to pay for.

    • @FMT99
      41 year ago

      The trouble is, as usual, the Internet’s obsession with turning everything into a black and white issue. Either you want raging bands of Mexican drug dealers to invade the country, or you’re a Nazi that wants to put children in cages.

        • @FMT99
          41 year ago

          The main problem with the previous conservative attempts is that is that the draconian approach just doesn’t work. Not to mention the cost to the taxpayer. I don’t claim to have the answer but more prisons and walls won’t stop people from trying.

            • @mirror_slap
              31 year ago

              The problem with the conservative position is that it is idiotic. During the Obama years our efforts to reduce illegal immigration were hugely successful. We attacked the problem in the countries where people were coming from, dramatically reducing the number of people that felt they needed to leave their homes. The Trump years and the inept policies of the fools in that administration cut off the funding for those programs very early, completely derailing years of work because they were too ignorant to understand it was the best way to reduce people hitting our border. Sadly those programs haven’t been renewed yet. I’m 1000% for a strong border, but also 1000% against the “wall” nonsense and all the other garbage that politicians push which won’t work. Just the other day the GOP held hearings in the House where Democrats were trying to push an amendment to a bill to prevent firearms from getting in the hands of the cartels south of the border - and it got ZERO GOP support - literally zero. That’s because the gun lobby wants the cartel money, so… GOP won’t do anything.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                Well, start with not conflating conservative with Republicans.

                Some/many republican politicians have as much guilt as any other politician.

                • @mirror_slap
                  11 year ago

                  I Don’t know how you got that out of what I posted. I was bashing Congress because they were refusing to do anything to reduce the flow of firearms across the southern border. Yes, I absolutely think they need to do their job. I want them to reinstate funding for the programs that were actually working spectacularly to reduce people hitting our borders, but the GOP won’t do that.