• @Maggoty
    4710 months ago

    Well that’s… Comprehensive.

    There’s not really any conclusion other than the IDF just committed a blatant war crime and any response less than the immediate arrest of those soldiers and their leadership will be seen as approval for war crimes from the government.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Not like that’s stopped the Israeli government before now! The most they ever argue on the issue is that they should be allowed to get away with it because something something “Hamas and Hezbollah did it first!” something something “you owe us because Holocaust (don’t ask how we treat the actual Holocaust survivor families that live here)” something something “any criticism is antisemitism!”

      • @Maggoty
        1710 months ago

        The other thing is it now really calls into question previous deaths of journalists in this invasion. Deaths Israel was able to shrug off as a dangerous job in a dangerous area. That’s why Reuters went so hard on bringing the receipts. They wanted to leave nowhere for them to turn to this time.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Not really any other conclusion? What about the one where the tank that fired at them was too far away to see them clearly but acted without communicating with soldiers who were closer and aware that the journalists weren’t a threat? Apparently that’s less likely than deliberately causing a PR disaster somewhere where there wasn’t even anything controversial going on for the journalists to record.

      • @[email protected]
        1610 months ago

        When the story first broke the witnesses/journalists said that a couple of drones had hovered over them before they were hit.

        Israel knew damn well they were journalists and didn’t give a shit … because the IDF actively hunts them down and murders them.

        • Dr. Moose
          1610 months ago

          I think its not excusable even if it was mistake. You have to be very sure when you literally blow prople into red mist. Like 110% sure. Anything else is inexcusable.

          • @assassin_aragorn
            10 months ago

            It blows my mind how undisciplined and irresponsible the Israeli military is.

            • Dr. Moose
              10 months ago

              I get it tho. I have highly educated Israeli friends (military training is very mandatory) and they are very much brain washed into this “us or them deathmatch in a cage” sort of mentality.

              To clarify I’m on team Israel as terrorists like Hamas deserve no sympathy only quick death but Israel has huge advantage in every conflict and you can definitely afford more diligence but there’s always this justification of “we have to do this” which dismisses any criticism.

              Even before the current conflict when I’d point out how messed up Israeli tactics are of blowing up civilian walls in Palestine to make way for urban militia are people would just wave their hand and say “it’s just urban warfare” - it’s fucking not. No other place in the world does this. Do better.

              • @assassin_aragorn
                210 months ago

                I’m not on any team here. Hamas is awful. The Israeli military is awful. Civilians caught in the middle are the ones who deserve our support and sympathy.

                There can be no peace with an us vs them mentality. All it does is engender the same mentality in your foes, and then everyone thinks any action they take is justified. Perhaps it is, but therein lies the issue. In taking justified action, they go too far and create justification for the other to now act.

                They don’t have to like each other. They just need to leave each other alone. Enforce defense right up to where the border against Gaza is, and no further. And, vice versa. Continually push for a two state solution, no matter what happens. The power dynamic isn’t going to shift away from Israel’s favor, and as we’re seeing, taking directionless vengeance makes everything worse and solves nothing.

            • Dr. Moose
              910 months ago

              It is but that’s the minimum standard we should set in 2024 tbh

            • @Maggoty
              310 months ago

              It’s less naive than you think. You’re supposed to positively identify targets before shooting at them. This means checking for uniforms, weapons, and/or hostile activity. Otherwise the prohibition on killing civilians and prisoners is meaningless.

      • @Maggoty
        1510 months ago

        They were on an open hill top with little to no cover, standing around, for an hour. If they were a threat they would have been dealt with in seconds, not a fucking hour.

        Also the Israelis are using optics on their tanks that makes 1km look like it’s just down the street. Hell I had those optics in the US Army 20 years ago.

        Furthermore it wasn’t just the tank. It was a base which means if for some godforsaken reason that tank hasn’t had an optics update since 1970, then they could easily have called over someone with good optics. Hell we have cameras that can see several kilometers. The guy they got on the radio with likely sat in an air conditioned room looking at a TV screen.

        • @Geobloke
          610 months ago

          Not to mention the drone that was flying over them

  • @chitak166
    3410 months ago

    Keep in mind, Israel is doing this for revenge. If this was for defense, then they would improve their defenses.

    The suffering is the point.

    • @Doorbook
      3210 months ago

      Even if you look at “revenge” it doesn’t make sense. This is like a psycho found a justification to commit massacres. The way videos shows IDF playing, dancing, laughing, and letting non military people bomb houses tells you this is not a revenge…

      • @assassin_aragorn
        610 months ago

        Exactly. Their behavior is just wanton violence and venting, there’s no actual purpose. The attack by Hamas was tragic, and Israel has every right to go after them, but they don’t have the right to drop bombs and shoot randomly in the general vicinity of where maybe Hamas could potentially be.

        This isn’t what an operation to root out and destroy terrorists like like. This also isn’t what revenge looks like. This is killing oppressed people for no reason other than they can, apparently. Perhaps the IDF should spend more time defending Israel, as their name suggests, and not fuck around. They found out with the Hamas attack, and they’re just going right back to fucking around.

    • @Seventhlevin
      -410 months ago

      Lol. Israel has the most sophisticated anti-missile defense system in the history of Earth. How much more defense do you think they need?

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        Maybe people on the ground who will stop terrorist attacks? It seriously looks like the only reason they have an army at all is to hurt Palestinians, and repelling actual attacks is something they strictly don’t do.

      • @chitak166
        310 months ago

        More defense to stop attacks like what happened on Oct 7th?

    • @giggling_engine
      -910 months ago

      Sometimes the defensive position is going on the offensive. You can’t expect the army to just cower and wait to be hit, right?

  • ElleChaise
    1410 months ago

    Inb4 downpunxxx comments claiming Reuters is a terrorist organization.

      • @jaybone
        410 months ago

        Sarcasm, why have you forsaken us?

  • @Therealgoodjanet
    1210 months ago

    International humanitarian law bars attacks on journalists as those in the news media have the full scope of protection granted to civilians and cannot be considered military targets.

    Well, we all know how the IOF feels about civilians, so…

  • @badbytes
    1110 months ago

    Israel is actively eliminating any possibility of Palestine existing period. As the world sits and watches while the US blocks any effort by the UN.

    • ALQ
      410 months ago

      This worked for me, thank you!

  • Bri Guy
    410 months ago

    weird, i’m getting an “Access Denied” page when i click on the link. anyone else?

  • @assassin_aragorn
    310 months ago

    Two quips come to mind:

    1. Somehow Hamas has killed fewer journalists. Israel has yet to learn how to not point a gun and shoot wherever they’d like.

    2. If Israel’s defensive forces spent as much effort to protect Israel as they do to kill journalists, maybe they could’ve stopped the attack from Hamas in the first place.