Today I’m reading.

01/23/10- "[I] DD: Follow blood trail downstairs and finish him off.” (/homestuck/1241) to 01/30/10 - “[I] ==>” (/homestuck/1281)”

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Diamonds Droogs managed to pump Fin(5) full of bullets. This created the blood trail the Droogs followed to this location. But he knows now he can’t follow the trail back or he’d be vulnerable to Fins(5) ability to see people’s future paths.

Clubs Deuce is tailing Trace(6) who can see the past trails of people. Trace is tailing Droogs and isn’t aware he’s himself is being traced. Deuce leaves Doze(2) on the blood trail as part of a plan. He is also supposed to go help out Hearts but completely forgot. Deuce is very forgetful. Trace eventually notices Deuce’s trail and follows it. Thus he finds Doze(2) tied to a chair. He doesn’t notice the bomb under his hat. Thus ends both Doze(2) and Trace(6). As well as any clocks in the room. We are at 7/15 dead targets and 107/1000 clocks.

Fin(5) is stumbling around full of holes and bleeding out. He notices Deuce’s future trail and decides to follow it. But he can’t aim at all right now and Deuce is walking around with a block of C4 on the head. If Fin(5) missed it’d be an explosive end for both of them. Deuce meanwhile is just following the trail of blood. And Deuce is doing the same but from out of sight.

Hearts meanwhile is dealing with a huge pain in the butt time clone situation. Eggs(12) and Biscuits(13) seem to have made an endless time loop and are cloning themselves each time. Nearby Clover(4) is willing to provide clues on how to open the safe. He had riddles to offer. But he can’t even try his whole riddle routine with all the noisy clones. Clover(4) mentions that Crowbar(7) could solve time issues like this. But Crowbar(7) had died before the midnight crew even got to the mansion.

Stitch(9) is a tailor, he is making a huge Cairo Overcoat that flashes colours. This is for Lord English. All the time shenanigans are apparently damaging to space time and fabrics. Stitch(9) is also the doctor which means he’s exactly what Fin(5) needs.

Things are rough for Hearts, He’s nearly getting crushed by all the clones spawning around him. Deuce has completely wandered off. Hearts calls Spades for back-up. Spades can help, Droogs will join as well once he’s done with Fin(5) and Stitch(9).

Fin(5) makes it to Stitch(9). There seems to be large Effigies to each member of the Felt hang in the workshop. Several are burnt and destroyed. The one representing Fin(5) is very damaged. Stitch(9) mentioned he just needed to fix that effigy before… Fin(5) then falls to the floor dead.

Clubs then burst into the room swinging his bull penis cane. Stitch(9) is ready with a Thomson, he’s also smart enough to know shooting C4 wont set it off. But, this was only a (not so planned) distraction as Droogs got behind Stitch(9) with his own gun. They toss him into the Brawlsoleum as he may be useful against Lord English.

Spades has been using that voodoo to track dead members of the felt. He noticed Crowbars(7) pin was still in it. Spades to an alternative dimension where Crowbar wasn’t killed. The voodoo had some of Dies(6) power in it. Since apparently crowbars was a competent one, the felt are doing much better here. Crowbar(7) Stitch(9) and Sawbuck(10) and are in a tense shooting match with the Midnight crew. Spades considers using Sn0wmans pin but thinks an encounter with her is a bad idea. Too bad for Spades she walks into the middle of the gunfight. Unlike the felt she is a tall black caprician. She’s slender, beautiful and very fashionable, holding a brand (long cigarette holder). The gunfire immediately stops almost in reverence of her presence. She seems to be able to phase in and out as she pleases. She simply approaches Spades and stabs him in the eye with her brand. She then takes the cigarette from it and casually leaves. This is not a nice lady.

Spades mentions if she were to die the universe itself would be destroyed. Hence no one dares fire a weapon near her, and why she isn’t on his hit list. Spades toss the brands into Sawbuck(10) this triggers a time jump into the past. Notably Sawbuck is impaled by a Lance but fine. Spades then murders Stitch(9) and throws his occam’s razor at Crowbar(7). Crowbar(7) deflects the razor into Sawbucks(10) head, he’s still fine.

They’re now in the distant past, the same place Die(6) went to. A Scurrilous Straggler watches from a distance. This seems to maybe an ancestor of Spades as they have a little spade icon on their wraps and approve of Spades hat.

Spades gets a good whack at Crowbar(7) with his horse hitch. He needs him alive so he quickly takes his crowbar then crams him into the warchest. He also manages to slash Sawbuck(10) across the face. This triggers a time jump into the future where Hearts showed up to the gunfight. Since the opposition was already gone he was alone. Spades orders him to pull out his Wrathtub so he can toss Sawbuck into it. This is an alternative timeline. But Spades figures if he kidnaps them all here and brings them back to his own timeline he can just kill them there. He tosses Hearts deck into his own. He makes note to not take Hearts smut magazine.

Pulling the Crowbar(7) pin he returns to his own timeline with 3 hostages. He is completely unsure if this means there are now 2 Sawbucks(10), and Stitch(9). But he’ll kill them all to be sure.

Till tomorrow remember it’s not really murder is its in an alternate timeline and keep riding the pumpkin tide.