• IndiBrony
    126 months ago

    To be fair, it’s weird to us because only one species dominates our planet. I fully imagine that if there were more than one that this wouldn’t be an issue. I imagine some individuals from most species would be happy to earn a bit of money providing their milks. Humans are the odd ones out here because we drink milks from a range of species, but most only drink our own in infancy.

    • @Limeey
      6 months ago

      I’m pretty sure cows don’t normally produce milk continuously, it’s a process we’ve bred in and manipulated.

      So in zootopia, unless there’s a slave caste - we probably are either seeing a synthetic ice cream or ice cream made from mammals that are lactating due to pregnancy/birth.

      Like, imagine a woman selling her breast milk to keep food on the table after having a baby. Still dystopian.

      Dairy cows must give birth to one calf per year in order to continue producing milk. Typically they are artificially inseminated within three months of giving birth. These high-production cows produce milk on average for less than three years, after which they are culled and their meat used for beef.

      https://www.ciwf.com/farmed-animals/cows/dairy-cows/#:~:text=Dairy cows must give birth,their meat used for beef.

      • @Cipher22
        56 months ago

        Being a wet nurse was a thing for a long time.

  • @dadGPT
    36 months ago

    its beyond milk, a dairy free alternative.