• @shalafi
    810 months ago

    Read this story earlier and it’s largely BS. Not sure if the author is ignorant or disingenuous.

    What they destroy is the receiver, the serialized part that makes a gun legally a gun. If you want another receiver, you have to take the same exact steps you would take to purchase a complete gun. I notice the article dances all around this, won’t say it out loud and tries to make it all sound very nefarious. What they’re destroying is legally the “gun”, and it’s the one part you can’t just run out and buy.

    For example, I fucked up the receiver on a cheapo .22 revolver. No point in trying to purchase another one, no one sells receivers only. I parted the rest out on eBay. (For some stuff that’s highly customizable, like the AR-15, you can buy one, but again, same laws and regulations apply as purchasing a complete weapon.)

    If I told you a PC without a motherboard is “nearly complete”, you would laugh at me. Especially if you had to buy a complete PC just to get the MB! Same for a receiver. Hell am I gonna do with a bunch of springs, buttons and bits of metal?!

    Perhaps the author is unaware that we can buy everything else on eBay or dozens of other sites? And if we want to say that should be illegal, where do we draw the line? Are springs and buttons illegal? How about steel tubes? Bent pieces of metal?

    The only weaselly thing that may have been happening, couldn’t quite understand the article due to intentional vagueness, was that the company was destroying these guns without saying that they were selling the parts on the side. Well, why not? Those parts are getting bought, no matter what. We rather them be recycled or manufactured new?

    And if you know what you’re looking at, the “Guns seized or recovered…” pic is hilarious. Better than half of those, probably most, are bottom-tier crap. LOL, I’ve got the white version of the camo gun. It’s hilariously impractical for any use, but still fun to shoot. Is that a 4X BB gun scope?! Ah, the ever-present Mossburg Shockwave, the most useless shotgun ever devised by mankind. I’d LOVE that silver 1911, pretty certain it’s a .22, surely jams constantly. (22s don’t kick hard enough to cycle that kind of action.)

    So, what does this have to do with the police?

    • @[email protected]
      610 months ago

      Good info. But isn’t the spirit of all of this to encourage less guns being available? It does feel a bit disingenuous to sell these parts at all.

      • @FluorideMind
        010 months ago

        It’s taking guns off the street regardless. And most old guns don’t have new parts being made so some parts can be very hard to find.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          Right but if that’s the goal why not melt down all the steel? This just feels like cops using a feel good story to make some cash on the side.