Pediatricians are hesitating to prescribe medicines like Wegovy, citing their newness and uncertainties around them.

Dr. Edward Lewis, a pediatrician in Rochester, N.Y., has seen hundreds of children with obesity over the years in his medical practice. He finally may have a treatment for their medical condition — the powerful weight loss drug Wegovy.

But that does not mean Dr. Lewis is prescribing it. Nor are most other pediatricians.

“I am reluctant to prescribe medications we don’t use on a day-to-day basis,” Dr. Lewis said. And, he added, he is disinclined to use “a medicine that is a relative newcomer to the scene in kids.”

Regulators and medical groups have all said that these drugs are appropriate for children as young as 12. But like Dr. Lewis, many pediatricians hesitate to prescribe Wegovy to young people, fearful that too little is known about long term effects, and mindful of past cases when problems emerged years after a drug was approved.

Twenty-two percent of adolescents age 12 to 19 have obesity. Research shows that most are unlikely to ever overcome the condition — advice to diet and exercise usually has not helped. The reason, obesity researchers say, is that obesity is not caused by a lack of will power. Instead, it is a chronic disease characterized by an overwhelming desire to eat.

  • @[email protected]
    307 months ago

    Or… the shitty “food” industry could be radically reformed to stop monopolising the market with super-high sugar sources.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Or, don’t eat shit out of a box?

      That was one of the first lessons in our diabetes course.

      • BadEngineering
        137 months ago

        And how do poor families afford to do that? Processed foods are the cheapest and most abundant things to eat here in the US. Eating healthy isn’t cheap, fresh foods are not cheap, high quality meats are not cheap. Not to mention when the parents are working sometimes 2 or even 3 jobs to make ends meet, where do they find the time to prepare a healthy home cooked meal?
        Lophostemon is right that the food industry pushes the cheap processed stuff because that’s where all of their profit is, cheap ingredients can be hidden behind processing, cheap fillers are used in place of more nutritional ingredients, and sugars can be added to get the buyers physically addicted to their products.
        But a real solution would have to go a step further than just regulating what kinds of foods producers are allowed to sell. People need to be able to afford to purchase the healthy options, and they need the time required to prepare them. Less working hours and more pay for workers would go further towards ending hunger and obesity in this country than pretty much anything else.

        • ryan
          67 months ago

          Agreed. It’s kind of funny, in a very darkly comedic way, how so many issues can be traced back to “late stage capitalism was, and continues to be, a problem”. Having the ability to purchase, and the time to prepare, healthy foods is a privilege enjoyed by people with means. There’s so much wrong with that.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          Besides gardening, which is a cheat code for fresh/healthy food. Beans, lentils, oatmeal, eggs, ground beef, frozen veggies, etc. Eating healthy is definitely affordable.

          • @bbkpr
            57 months ago

            Yes because everyone has room for a garden.

            • @[email protected]
              67 months ago

              I’ve got a garden but it’s not like you get stuff within hours of putting seeds in the ground. Gardening is a long term investment that rarely pays off in food production and sporadically at that.

            • BraveSirZaphod
              17 months ago

              Beans, lentils, five, oatmeal, and frozen veggies are cheaper than pretty much any junk food around.

              But by all means, find whatever excuse you like.

                • @[email protected]
                  17 months ago

                  I was extremely tired when I wrote that comment. Should have been more clear. Forget the gardening lol, the other foods I listed are easily purchased from most grocery stores and are very much affordable. Rice, beans, lentils, frozen veggies, oatmeal, etc. Get a crock pot and throw a bunch of that stuff in it (with maybe some bouillon, cheap canned stock, or spices of choice), then bam! Cheap, healthy food for the whole week.

      • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
        27 months ago

        Funny how the FDA had rolled back safety standards on food ingredients right around the same time child obesity rates started rising 🤔

    • @Mango
      77 months ago

      I like what you’re saying, but that logic doesn’t hold rocks.

      Lack of chemo is not the cause of cancer, therefore the solution to cancer is not chemo? Chemo is definitely a solution to cancer, shitty as it is.

        • @Mango
          57 months ago

          That’s a fair semantic point.

          No, the solution to cancer is fixing our genes so that it’s not possible. The same goes with obesity. Back when food was scarce, people who store fats better thrived and we evolved that way.

  • @[email protected]
    107 months ago

    so the options are teach your kids good habits or… give them drugs? And this is framed as the pediatrician’s fault for not doing it?

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      Last time I remember a bunch of doctors were told a new drug was safe, we had that whole Oxy drug epidemic. I wouldn’t expect doctors to just believe in these “studies” as much as they did before.

      But yeah just teach diet/nutrition, exercise, and sleep. That helped solve some problems with me and I’m not on daily “maintenance” medication anymore.

  • @[email protected]
    107 months ago

    Drugs. The American answer for everything. Unhappy, just take drugs. Tired, more drugs. Side effects from those drugs, we have a drug for that! Instead of fixing the underlying problem let’s keep putting bandaids on the problem until we look like the Michelin Man.

    • @Mango
      17 months ago

      Hey! I like drugs!

  • @oDDmON
    57 months ago

    Is no one admitting these are lifelong maintenance drugs, while also ignoring compliance issues with a young age bracket?

    Also, studies show discontinuance of the medication results in at least 2/3 of the lost weight being regained. How will that look in these cases?

    Quit rushing to stab junk in your leg , so you can keep cramming crap in your piehole.

    • @CrackaAssCracka
      77 months ago

      What about the 19yo I saw today, with a BMI of 62, who’s so far stuck in the cycle of self loathing, inactivity, depression, and pleasure seeking behavior that he can’t see a way out let alone start creating himself a new reality? What if I have a drug that I’m pretty confident can help him lose 200lbs? Is it ethical for me to not prescribe it because “he should be able to do it on his own?” How many people do you know who have done that? Out of the hundreds or horribly obese patients I’ve seems, I have tow that have done it with diet and exercise. We have not evolved for a world where 20,000 calories costs $20 and is available 24/7.

      I agree we need to be cautious with these drugs since long-term adverse effects aren’t known but the long-term effects of obesity are well documented. I have backed off on pitching these drugs since I learned the companies making them have infiltrated the obesity research community in the US (because of course they did). They’re still an amazing tool in the fight against an obesity epidemic which has many, many different contributing factors li ok e trauma, depression, mental health issues, upbringing, genetics, etc, etc. it’s not as easy as “just don’t eat so much.”

  • @Genmjrpain
    27 months ago

    Nobody “gets” teenagers. Duh!

  • SokathHisEyesOpen
    -37 months ago

    You know what else fixes teenage obesity? Not over-eating and getting regular exercise.

    • @Gnelfo
      87 months ago

      Education for parents on how not to ruin their children’s health, Education for children on the effects of diet in schools.

    • @Mango
      17 months ago

      Also being both outside the US!