Adding layouts from one drawing to another without using Design Center.

Copying layouts are very handy to recreate drawings from one project to another. This is essential in trying to keep paperspace and viewport layouts in the same areas for different drawings.

 I was trying to add layouts from one drawing to another using Design Center. When I selected the layout and 

right-clicked and selected ‘Add layout’ my drawing command line would state "Layout (s) added. However, there was no layout(s) added unto my drawing. I searched in vain for a solution since Design Center is very handy to use. I found i had to use a simpler way to add the layout(s) by going to the layout tabs and selecting any layout and right-clicking ,then choosing “From template…” The importing of layouts from a template .dwt also allows you add layouts from any .dwg file. If the layout is imported a short loading will take place and the lower right part of the window will have a loading bar stating “Scanning drawing”. Once the layout is successfully imported it will be the last layout in the drawing.
