“The Ukrainian government’s military intelligence service says it hacked the Russian Federal Taxation Service (FNS), wiping the agency’s database and backup copies.”
Putin: 😟
Russian civilians, realizing they don’t have to pay taxes anymore: 🤩
Wait is this community for actual claims with dubious credibility, or is it just a sarcastic name?
It’s more like sometimes credible, it’s mostly just a meme community. I don’t think the actual r/credibledefense ever got moved over to lemmy, that was almost like r/askhistorians but for military stuff iirc.
Ok lol thanks
Welcome, you don’t have to be a plane pervert to join us, but it helps!
Congratulations, you are now noncredible
now do my country please 🥺
Uuuugh. What.
Big if true.
Do their election next.
You might be surprised to find out it has no effect on the outcome of the election
Their last election went something like this:
Put your mark on the candidate you want for president.
- Putin.
- Putin.
- Putin.
Later that day.
The results are in, Putin won with 99.8%
How did Pat Buchanan get 0.2% of the Russian vote?
It was also Putin
Someone tell me they didn’t have a viable backup system so I can giggle uncontrollably.
This sounds like a really, really big deal
How to be an expert hacker in a few easy steps:
Tap the build number 7 times.
Run in terminal:
sudo rm налоги.xls;
sudo rm налоги-резервный*.xls
* sigh *
*unzipsgets Russian citizenship *Edit: it was a joke, lol. That thing belongs to the dumpster even if you’re born there in this time and age