• @[email protected]
    441 year ago

    This is layered… Not only will the kids grow up incorrectly believing that the earth is flat, they are also going to grow up resenting people that disagree with what their parents say, eventually they may even resent their parents for forcing their false beliefs on them and making them look foolish in front of their peers.

    • myxi
      1 year ago

      I have met a Flat Earth conspiracy believer mom who was homeschooling her kid, explaining how the sphere Earth model is wrong and so on, her complain was that despite her best efforts to indoctrinate educate her child, the child was not convinced that the Earth is flat. It goes to show that some children are just too intelligent to fall for this kinda shit. The child was eight or nine years old I think.

      • Ignotum
        111 year ago

        Reminds me of Aron Ra, he grew up in a mormon family, but in his case they waited with the indoctrinating until he was old enough, which was when he was eight

        But as he himself said “by then it was already too late”

        When his mother sat him down and started reading to him from the book of mormon, he just pointed out things that were wrong and stupid.

        Remember, if you want your kids to believe the stupid things you believe, start early and don’t let them see or hear too much about reality, or you’ll have a bad time

        • Me, after learning where Mormonism came from: “So you’re telling me your entire belief system stems from believing a teenager, who was known to be a con man, had golden plates given to him by God that nobody else was allowed to see? Are y’all fucking dumb or something?”

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        The thought of a nine year old looking at a “grown” women with disbelief as the women tries explaining the flat earth BS is actually fucking jokes lol

      • Ignotum
        11 year ago

        deleted by creator

  • @mriguy
    441 year ago

    This is, very simply, child abuse.

  • @reverie
    321 year ago

    I babysat a girl who came to me and asked if atoms were really little crosses, like her grandmother taught her. She was confused because the teacher at school was saying something different

    I told her to listen to her teacher

      • fuck reddit
        41 year ago

        Strong “Waterboy” vibes

        My Mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.

  • @[email protected]
    271 year ago

    I’ve tried this experiment in Blender by projecting a NASA earth texture onto a circular plane to see if I could even come up with something where the day/night solstice/equinox cycles make any kind of sense, couldn’t make it work.

    I do think that if you really wanted to upset these folks, though, you’d insist that Australia is actually at the center of the earth.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      I have never through of that…how is day an night supposed to work on a flat earth? Like Minecraft they just…rotate around? What about the underside of the earth? The other side of the coin…do people live there too? Can we visit them if we dig a hole?

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        The sun is apparently more like a flashlight than an orb. That would be the only way this could work, but even Terry Pratchett knew that this doesn’t make any sense

        • @[email protected]
          01 year ago

          …wait and how does it become night? Like the lantern gets turn off? What about when it’s night in a place but morning on another?

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            It would rotate around, like in the model. Since it’s more like a flashlight there would be no scattering of the light. There would only be day right under the sun. That’s the only way this would make any sense at all, and even then That’s kinda meh

  • redcalcium
    231 year ago

    All of this effort just to teach your kids… flat earth?! Could’ve been spent to teach them gardening, electronics, paintings, literally anything else would’ve been more useful for the child’s future.

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      If it makes you feel any better, chances are the kids will learn pretty quick they were taught BS and will probably just disown Mom at some point.

      I knew a kid who was home schooled, and while he wasn’t taught anything as looney as flat earth, he absolutely knew that some of what he was taught was BS

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      If it makes you feel any better, chances are the kids will learn pretty quick they were taught BS and will probably just disown Mom at some point.

      I knew a kid who was home schooled, and while he wasn’t taught anything as looney as flat earth, he absolutely knew that some of what he was taught was BS

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      It’s not just flat earth, spot the mention of “verses.” It’s the whole young earth creationism belief complex.

  • @Kaiser
    171 year ago

    This physically pains me.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      What do you mean? You’re seeing how it works right here.

      Sun and moon are spherical objects suspended by a coat hanger and constantly turned in motion by a higher being.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      See, you first mistake was assuming the flat earth model is internally consistent. It doesn’t work. It’s just a collection of ad-hoc explanations and made up workarounds, none of which fits with the previous. All to make a few insignificant people feel special.

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    Reminds me of when I started going to public school and learned about evolution, something my Evangelical parents always taught me was a lie.

    Thankfully my education broke me out of that, but it put me behind a little bit.

    • VityaOP
      111 year ago

      Jeez man, i can only imagine. At least you were among the lucky ones who were smart and confident enough to resist their parents misbeliefs.

    • @Aceticon
      21 year ago

      Yeah, but even if they tried to stick to a faithful representation of reality, the whole “turtles all the way down” part would be problematic.

  • @GingeyBook
    101 year ago

    So how does night time exist in a model like this? It looks like the sun just rotates above the Earth?

    • Skunk
      51 year ago

      Everyone knows the sun is switched off during night time, DUH !

    • VityaOP
      31 year ago

      If i know right, they think the sun has much less power than usual, so it works like a spotlight. So its light wont reach the territories under the moon

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        Of course. That explains why when day transitions to night you see the Sun zoom off into the distance until it diminishes to nothing, with the Moon zooming in from the opposite direction until it’s big enough to see.

    • MrsDoyle
      21 year ago

      Let’s not even get into how when I video call my niece in southern New Zealand her garden is covered in snow and it’s morning, while it’s a warm summer evening where I am.

    • VityaOP
      61 year ago

      I just assumed, thats just too big of a cliffhanger

  • @milktea
    81 year ago

    Serious question, what do the pillars stand on in this concept? Are there other planets? So many questions

    • @orangeNgreen
      111 year ago

      I believe the answer to your question of “what do the pillars stand on” is a turtle. And that turtle stands on another turtle. And that turtle stands on another turtle. And it is turtles all the way down. Though I might be confusing two different beliefs.

    • VityaOP
      61 year ago

      Comeon man… turtles, infinite amount of turtles

    • BobbyTables
      21 year ago

      Four elephants, which stand on a giant turtle. I think.