I really want to play it, but it’s on epic. I’m waiting for steam version.
Same here. I’ll either wait it out until it eventually comes to Steam or just watch an LP.
PC gaming has taught me patience.
Time = Bug fix + cost saving
Yeah, I got control goty edition on steam with all the bells and whistles and thoroughly enjoyed it. I expect the same from Alan Wake.
I agree. Also having some decent native optimization for the Deck wouldn’t be too bad.
Why the issue for epic. Seems to work just fine for me
Because I hate using their crappy launcher. It needs me to log in every time. It’s more annoying than my banking app.
I don’t use it because there’s no official Linux client, and they don’t have Linux versions of games even when they exist on other platforms. Linux is what I use, so I’d have to go out of my way to use their platform.
Why bother? Steam gives me a fantastic user experience, almost all the games EGS has (and probably more), actively invests in my platform of choice, makes innovative hardware products like the Steam Deck (which I love), and prices are very similar.
EGS gives me… some free games and holds exclusives hostage? That’s not enough to win me over. Give me a good user experience, not bribes.
Oh ok. I was just curious. I guess I just don’t care. I use both but either one seems to do just fine for my needs
If games didn’t run on Linux, I wouldn’t play games. I did that for years before Steam on Linux was a thing (well, aside from occasional Linux-native games like Minecraft and Factorio, or a game I bothered to get running on WINE). I only booted into Windows when my friends pushed on me hard enough to play something with them.
My computer is for software development first (mostly hobbies) and playing games second. You seem to have different priorities, and that’s totally cool too.
Because Tim is a dick and ccp bankrolls epic store’s losses.
Only 850k copies? Jesus. Maybe release it on a bigger platform, lol. Like…not Epic?
Ampere estimates that globally, just on console, Alan Wake 2 sold 850,000 copies as of the end of November.
Epic Games does not provide digital sales data to Circana, so there’s just no way for Circana to tell us how well it sold.
So no one knows apart from Epic and Remedy
If the number was high Sweeney wouldn’t shut up about it, so we can guess it is low.
I would have picked it up but in waiting for it to come to Steam
Epic published the game, gonna be a long wait. It will come to steam when epic gives up the storefront dream, which is to say never.
I can wait. I got plenty to play. Even Xbox and Playstation are publishing their exclusives on good platforms now. Origin caved. I can wait a decade+ for Todd or Tim or whatever his name is to run out of fortnite money, lol.
The long game. I like it.
For the most gamers I know games are available on Steam or the high seas, especially for me that use Linux so Epic games are not officially available, every game that only releases on Epic for me it’s a “too bad, I would have bought it”
Yup, I’ve never spent a dime at Epic because they don’t support Linux. I’ve bought games from Steam, Humble, and GOG because they do, and I spend far more on Steam because they support Linux better than the other two.
It’s pretty simple for me, if it’s easy to get on Linux, I’ll buy it. If not, I won’t.
I’m still waiting for Kingdom Hearts… How long has it been now?
Can’t wait to play once it’s out on steam
I wouldn’t bet on it. It’s published by epic, after all. The Alan Wake remaster still hasn’t made it to steam, either.
It’s Epic exclusive because they gave the devs big stack of money, so that probably offsets the low sales. It’s like with Against the Storm, it was Epic exclusive for many years (in early access), then finally comes to Stream and everbody loves it. They kinda milked Epic for cash, then let the Stream rip the rewards with full release.
Wonder whether that’s pretty good move financially?
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands was Epic exclusive and it didn’t seem to make a splash on either release. I wonder if it’s because people didn’t make the leap to Epic but lost interest by the time it was on Steam? Or maybe Borderlands 3 made people lose interest in the franchise.
The game was not great, at least personally. It wasn’t bad, but it was just BL3 in a different dress, with less interesting story, less interesting characters. Also the DLCs were insane cashgrabs, not even close to the value BL3 DLCs had.
Yeah I’ve never touched any of that series’ DLC, always hear that it’s overpriced.
Personally, I really enjoyed BL2, Pre-sequel, BL3, and TTWL, but I get that the series has lost popularity. I’m huge into D&D so that added an extra layer. The tabletop jokes were on point.
Borderlands 2 was peak for me, franchise went steadily downhill from there imo. 4 friends battling Vermivorous the Invincible is an unforgettable experience.
Daaaaaamn so much memories.
Really wanted to like it, it’s been a long time seems a good BL game, but the quests were tedious and the melee didn’t work.
The whole arpg loop where they give you shitty weapons for the first few hours sucks
It’s not a normal epic exclusive, like Hades, for example. Epic didn’t just paid them to keep the game out of Steam (for a time), they financed the while game. Developers of “normal” exclusives get money to release their game, already under development, on EGS first. Alan Wake 2 is different, it wouldn’t exists without Epic games.
Look, I like my steam library as the next guy, and would be happy to have all my games there, but in this case there is literally nothing wrong with the game being only available on EGS. Would I prefer to have it on Steam? Yeah, of course. But I also very much happy to just be able to play it, and if I have to do it on Epic, well, that’s really not a big deal.
Thats your prerogative. For some it’s a dealbreaker. Personally I wont finance epic store a cent, and thats my choice.
I dont mind waiting, but I’d much preferred it to come out on a physical media on consoles if I cant play it on PC the way I want it.
Its not just a limited Epic exclusive. Its not going to leave the EGS.
It depends on how many new users begin using the Epic Games store as a result of purchasing Alan Wake.
Obviously they goal is to get people to use their store over steam, so they’re likely just operating at a loss while Forknife continues to generate money. My money is on Steam, but that’s just because I’m biased.
They also need to keep those users though. Like if people just come for Alan wake 2 they have no incentive to stay currently because the epic games store and app are kinda dogwater compared to steam.
Like I have launchers for a couple services on my computer and the only one that gets used except for the purpose of playing one specific game is steam.
Well, I probably didn’t articulate it well enough, but that is what I mean by “using the Epic Games store”.
I didn’t mean simply buying Alan Wake, I meant using the store for other games.
Not releasing on physical media was a huge mistake.
Wait, no physical sales on console, no steam on PC?
Correct. When I found out it wasn’t going to be on steam, I figured I’d get a physical copy for the PS5 instead. Found out that wasn’t all option either…
Me too, and I guess tens or hundreds of thousands others as well.
Really stupid move.
Yeah, I would have bought if it was released on a physical disk.
They’re just asking for it to be pirated by locking it to epic games launcher.
Good thing nobody on Lemmy believes in pirating media though
Probably a good game, not sure, but most of my gaming time is spent on Baldur’s Gate 3, play-through after play-through.
My problem exactly
Between BG3 and the Cyberpunk 2.0 and DLC my Gametime is already running pretty thin
Perhaps I’ll manage to play it in february
I absolutely loved the game
Is the original one worth playing first or is it fine to just watch a playthrough?
I’ve tried the remastered version on PS5, and it’s rough. The atmosphere is great, the combat not so much. Personally, I’ve just watched a plot summary on YouTube, there are many, but I prefer Lady of Lore’s.
Also, the game itself features a semi-conprehensive summary of the first game as well.
Thanks, I’ll check out some of those videos!
I tried to but 2 episodes in I couldn’t stand the combat and just watched a good supercut of all the cut scenes and dialog in the game. Gave me everything I wanted tbh
What’s wrong with the combat??
I found the enemies really frustrating to deal with.
With the little resources I’d have and how many of them would come at you at once, there were quite a few times I’d be dodging something and I’d have been flanked and killed. Or I would run out of resources quite quickly and have to bail on fighting the enemies and just run away while dodging and hope I’d get to the light in time.
Given I am so into the story (I really do love these games) I was feeling like I wanted the combat to be over so I could spend more time with the characters.
I would have played but my 5 year old system can barely run it…
Yeah I really want to play it, but can’t until I upgrade.
I love Alan Wake, and would’ve bought this even if Epic’s involved had there been a physical media out.
And I only buy a game or two on release a year.