This is the inside story of how the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion — shooting down compromise and testing the boundaries of how the law is decided.

  • OddOpinions5
    39 months ago


    Ok, now what do we do ?

    I would think:

    - contact your state and local elected official to try to make sure that protections for women are as strong as possible

    - if your state is having an referendum on the 2024 ballot, well, you should be helping, right ?

    - if you can, send money to elect and re elect dem, from Biden/Congress down to local level (sheriffs - huge !!)

    while somehow, dunno how, avoiding money pits like Beto and Amy McGrath

    • CoffeeAddictOP
      29 months ago


      Agree with all points.

      As much as I like Beto and McGrath, being from Texas and Kentucky they’re the equivalent of a hail mary pass; incredible if works, but probably won’t and will just turn it over to the other team.

      The most important thing we can do is #vote. And for those of us living in extremely blue states, we can make donations to competitive candidates in swing states - even small ones help!

      • OddOpinions5
        19 months ago


        yeah, I agree VOTE and also, we need candidates contesting all seats, but really shouldn’t pour money into things that look like loosers

        I guess that is a self fufilling prophecy ? and also it is hard to tell in advance who will win and loose ?

        but in 2018/2020 we wasted several hundred million dollars on senate races (in addittion to Beto/AM, Maine, SC and some others) so .

        I dunno what to do

  • CoffeeAddictOP
    39 months ago

    Should be a gift article. I strongly recommend reading it because it has a lot of information for how things went down behind the scenes at the Supreme Court.

    At the end of the day, we need written legislation protecting abortion rights at the national level. Relying on a single Supreme Court case was a mistake. Without national legislation, what we are seeing in Texas with Kate Cox is only the beginning.

    • @Dkarma
      39 months ago

      It was settled law. What we need is impeachment for these crooks.

      • CoffeeAddictOP
        9 months ago

        It was settled law, but it was never actually written into law by Congress which was a mistake; by relying on Roe vs Wade only, the ability to remove abortion as a nationally protected right was always in the hands of the Supreme Court. All it took was a conservative majority, and within a couple years it was gone.

        Ideally, I think adding it as an Amendment to the Constitution would be the most surefire way to guarantee it. That will be difficult, however, given that the US system favors more rural and more conservative states. Perhaps if those states weren’t also super religious we might be able to get their congressional representatives and senators on board with an amendment. But they are super religious and will oppose any amendment to the constitution guaranteeing abortion rights.

        We can still do it as an Act of Congress though. It won’t be as bulletproof as a Constitutional Amendment, but it can be done.

        • @Alteon
          39 months ago

          And that will only happen if we can get a Democratic majority next year. Here’s to hoping that we don’t have to fucking deal with another Manchin or Sinema though. Fuck those sacks of worthless shit.

          • CoffeeAddictOP
            29 months ago

            Sinema is so sleazy. She gets elected as a democrat by democrats and then she leaves the party “because she never fit into a box of any political party.”

            Actually, she does and it’s not the democrats.

        • snooggums
          29 months ago

          As long as the Republicans hold any kind of power an amendment will never happen.

          While coding it into law would be better, the current SCOTUS would just rule the law unconstitutional because they don’t give two fucks about anything.

      • @MindSkipperBro12
        19 months ago

        Pfft, impeachment of a justice, like THAT’LL ever happen. We need to have the Deep State aim for… less savory methods.