Most folks who would stumble into a Pocketknife sub have a mental list of knives that would be great to add to the collection and I’m curious what is on other folks radar?

I am very picky about my collection and generally only get knives I will carry and use, so my list of options is always super short, but the one knife I am most excited for and (patiently?) waiting the next 6 months for is the Winter Blade Co. Factor B3. While I’ve never held one, I’ve seen enough videos of the previous versions to know that it will hit all my buttons (fidget-ey, carbon-ey, magna cut-ey).

So what do you want to add?

  • @yrnttm
    11 year ago

    Is it only four months to go now?

    The next knife I want is one of the microtechs ram lock stitchs. Love the look of the blade and the manual action version makes it look like it would have a good fidget factor.