Despite all the frustration people are having with v1.0 I must say I actually enjoy it. I play with a couple of friends and we make steady progress.

Lurking on Reddit makes it seem the game is some impossible mess. I’m pretty sure it’s mostly a skill issue. Sometimes the AI is a bit crazy, but it’s much easier to defend a place than attack it. It makes sense the AI has the upper hand in many situations.

I see some tweaking can be done to make them more willing to surrender though.

Overall I enjoy the difficulty the game has. Getting dunked when not approaching a challenge the right way is fine.

  • @RookiA
    26 months ago

    Its fun to play with friends. Or just play it super serious alone!

  • @ComradeMiaoM
    16 months ago

    I enjoy it a lot as well! Though some of the maps need the no crack mod more than others.

    The map with trip wires everywhere cracked me up when I found a glitch if the team stacks up and opens the door, they all die. But when we return to base they’re alive again. The game assumes you won’t kill them all lol.

    • @CramponOP
      16 months ago

      My first encounter with the booby trap was hilarious. My team got used to stacking up on the doors and breach. Except this time we all went out with a bang.

      Laughs ensued.

  • @Land_Strider
    16 months ago

    Seriously a year ago I wasn’t expecting much from this game. The updates being stopped un favour of blog posts on development seemed some surefire way of game being dead in its tracks, but this 1.0 update really blew beyond expectations.

    I have started the campaign with bots while waiting for my friends to find the time to play, and I’m on the 4th-5th mission now. Engaging with bots and ordering them around is a hell lot fun when you prepare a custom loadout for them.