Let’s make a list of our favorite add-ons! For me, I always enable these by default:

  • Images as Planes
  • LoopTools
  • Copy Attributes Menu

Then I go out and get my favorite 3rd party add-ons (note, some of these are paid, some are free):

I’m sure there are others but this list is off the top of my head. What do you all use?

  • @TobinM
    61 year ago

    Here’s a list I made earlier this year, I should check out copy attributes menu too.

    • The Nitro Zeus
      21 year ago

      That’s a good list, there’s a few I’ll have to check out- thanks.

  • @Sans_outside
    1 year ago

    Default add-ons

    • Loop Tools
    • Node Wrangler
    • Extra Objects: Mesh and Curve

    Haven’t played with anyone external ones, yet

  • Leeennaaaaa
    21 year ago
    • Mcprep
    • node wrangler
    • crowdrender

    And probably a bunch I can’t think of, I have like, 4 gb of random addons

    My blender is anything but vanilla

  • @yaphy
    21 year ago

    I have a library of add-ons. Some free and some paid. But to be frank, since they get reset with every blender update, I don’t really need any of them. Especially the add-ons that take some time to set up. So the add-ons that I constantly use are the ones that are bundled with Blender.

  • The Nitro Zeus
    21 year ago

    For my project scenes and workflow- human generator and blender kit have saved me a lot of time for assets for scenes. Both are paid though so you really need to weigh up if it’s suitable and meets your goals.

    Mixamo and rokoko have helped big time with animations for my characters. Mixamo I believe can be accessed for free (though I have an Adobe account) and rokoko has a blender plugin which is free to download. I use the rokoko plugin to retarget the mixamo animations to my characters rigs.

    If anyone is interested I’ll send links to the resources & tutorial I used to learn.

    If I were to do more animation in future and got into mocap - I’d probably consider investing in rokoko full studio.