All the blocks were hand sewn, and then I got a 1937 Singer 201 for my birthday so sashing and borders were done on that.

  • @[email protected]
    22 years ago

    I’m gonna hazard a guess that was having trouble when you posted this lol

    I’m not a quilter myself (yet, although it is inevitable) but what always strikes me about looking at things like this is the sheer number of pieces of fabric. My mind can’t comprehend the patience that must be required not only to attach them all together, but to actually do so with some semblance of neatness! Beautiful work.

    • clumsyOP
      22 years ago

      Oop, yep, Lemmy was giving problems, especially since I already thought I responded to you days ago!!

      My very favorite thing about quilting is how the textures and colors come together - do you remember playing with tangrams as a kid? I can’t believe I’m only just now getting into quilting because I swear I used to live and breathe tangrams in school, and now I get to play with fabric tangrams to my heart’s content!

      • @[email protected]
        22 years ago

        Oh my god yes I LOVE tangrams, still to this day! Somehow never made that link to quilting though but you’re totally right! Crafters really are all just dorks aren’t we, deep down.

  • @Medusa
    12 years ago

    The bundle of fabric and colors in it, are stunning! Thanks for letting us see! :) I’m so jealous of your singer. I got the next best thing, a Juki. lol

    • clumsyOP
      22 years ago

      My grandmother absolutely adores her Juki and almost refuses to sew on anything else! Even when she has access to a Singer (she has a beeeeeaaaaautiful Featherweight upstairs that just purrs) she really prefers her Juki. So funny how some machines just click and stick with you!!