This thread is here to encourage posting works in progress (WIP). Post your works, updates to previous posts, and questions!
This thread is meant to be in addition to posting WIPs as their own threads, so feel free to make stand alone posts if you wish.
Helpful Youtube channels for for new painters:
- Paint conversion chart between Citadel and Vallejo, P3, and Army Painter.
If there is anything you’d like to see added to painting resources in the opening comment, post away and I’ll take a look.
Yes, I know I posted a little late. It’s gonna happen some weeks, sorry about that, all.
Some other channels worth mentioning: Mediocre Hobbies Darcy Bono
I’m doing more Tyranids this week (batch 2 from Leviathan):
And this big guy if I need a pallette cleanser:
Those nids took a real presentation jump when you added the fleshy color.
Darcy Bono added, the value of the channel was immediately apparent. I’ll watch some of the Medicore Hobbies videos soon to decide, the thumbnails look somewhat clickbaity but I know sometimes creators just have to do that.
Nearly done my Gabriel Angelos for my Blood Raven army:
This is not 40k but it is GW, hope you guys don’t mind it too much
A little WIP gutrippa of some kind
More Carcharodons from Leviathan box (heads are from PuppetsWar).
I don’t know if it’s the app I’m using for Lemmy (Jerboa) or my phone, but photos I attach keep getting rotated weirdly.
Working on some Assault Intercessors left over from the Imperium Magazine subscription
I’m finally finishing the resplendent Magnus the Red, who I picked up in the Court of the Crimson King battleforce box in December. Just a couple of pieces of armour to paint, plus his glaive.
And I’ve found a use for the Librarian from the Leviathan box. I’ve drilled out his eyes and mouth, and I’m going to mostly douse him in bright blue and pink contrast paints to represent Magnus’s Tzeentchy magic.
The leftover parts from the librarian are going into this sorcerer in terminator armour. He’s my first real attempt at kitbashing, complete with an inferno combi-weapon (a bolt pistol and warpflame pistol chopped up and mashed together) and greenstuff cape.