Nice. Today I’m reading.

03/02/10- "You guide the Heir. Consult with him.” (/homestuck/1523) to 03/04/10 - “==>” (/homestuck/1537)”

Select this thingy to read my commentary

Rose is enjoying her new island home. It seems her mother fled to a different island which we can assume would make this place even better for her. She’s just chilling on the dock on her laptop Mewtini the kitten napping on a post nearby. It seems idyllic, if it wasn’t for the bright colors and the rain I’d love to be there.

John and a troll are pestering Rose. The mystery audience is suggesting Rose consult the “heir”. This is John, one of the consorts called him that as well. John is just checking in. He Hasn’t heard from Rose since before she escaped earth. He’s relieved she is ok and fills her in on his location. They figure out they are not actually near each other. John also mentions what the trolls had told him. That the trolls are now friends but travelling backwards in time. Also they are playing SBURB on a different instance.

Rose then chats with a troll using the handle gallowsCalibrator [GC]

This one is a little odd. They can apparently smell words. They are also not being friendly, but they are helpful. They explain they are choosing to remain linear to Rose’s timeline. This instead of going through it in reverse like the others. She wants to be “B3ST H4T3FR13NDS FOR3V3R”. GC explains the voices in their heads are part of the game, they are “exiles”. Beings living on a future earth who subtly and unknowingly guide the players. Also the players are being assigned mythologies. Rose suggests she may be a seer.

CG continues to say that the exiles close loops in Paradox Space. Also though the players will not get to save earth, the exiles will rebuild it. Though this will inevitably be “ripe for seeding all over again”. The players have a greater purpose. The Exiles are former Agents, exiled during something called “The Reckoning”. Rose asks what agents are but GC was getting annoyed by the questions and left. This lore dump recovers a lot of what we already know as the audience, but also a lot of new things.

We go now to the past. Jade’s birthday well before all this nonsense happened. I think we had seen this conversion before on page 1000 but we know more now. John messaging Jade birthday wishes. He’s asking for apologies as he forgot to account for the long shipping time with her gift. We know now that Jade pulled some time trickery and has actually had the gift for years now. But during this conversation Jade was interrupted by a troll. We didn’t see this conversation the first time. carcinoGeneticist [CG] has a message for Jade from her own future self. But CG has been nothing but an ass to Jade at this point so she ain’t believing him. Regardless of this he tells her Jadebot will eventually blow up. When that happens she needs to contact the trolls. She naturally thinks CG is full of crap. We then see the troll in question CG. We have seen them before on a monitor during the end of the intermission on page 1353. This was the troll on the monitor that Spades Slick found.

Trolls look like humans. but with candy corn colored horns, sharp teeth, grey skin, yellowish eyes. This one looks pained. His shirt has a symbol representing the astrological sign for Cancer.

Jade then received the green package from her penpal, the one she will later send to John. The pen pal must have a sendifier. She mentions her penpal has made requested modifications to its contents. But we still don’t get to see what is in there.

At this same time in the past. John’s contacted by gallowsCalibrator [GC]. the troll that can taste words. This one is apparently also blind. Though all she says is that John is a terrible ectobiologist and she will slit his throat.

This is when John changed his handle to ectoBiologist.

We then see GC. She is a troll with red tinted glasses and the sign of Libra on her shirt.

In the present time a mailworker (PM) is trying to get a package from an Authority Regulator. She has tracked him to enemy territory. Her plan is to present the parking ticket that AR had left on John’s dads car, then claim she is only there to pay it. She has no idea where she is or how to find the agent. We do see her pass a guy who looks suspiciously like Diamonds Droog but with cat ears.

Somehow she stumbles into the throne room. She’s seen but what we can assume is the queen of this place. It’s a bizarre looking creature, a bit like Sn0wman but with a scar in its eye like Jack and milling an arm. But it has a female torso and almost mechanical limbs. It’s wearing a harlequin outfit, and has tentacles. Its crown is an elaborate jester’s cap. Also it has a ring on its finger.

PM shows the queen her parking ticket and gets pointed to the office of the archagent. We know this arch agent. They are spades slick Jack Noir.

Till tomorrow, keep riding the pumpkin tide.