• @mirror_slap
    210 months ago

    I interpret the inscription to be paying tribute to the soldiers of the confederacy, essentially traitors. Rip it down, but do it very very carefully. They better be damn sure they’re not going to disturb resting heroes.

    • @[email protected]
      -210 months ago

      The fact that you interpret the monument’s inscription incorrectly does not mean it should be torn down.

      • @mirror_slap
        310 months ago

        The fact that one person read it that way, or as at least ambiguous, actually does support it being torn down. Regardless, it’ll be gone soon.

        • @[email protected]
          -210 months ago

          One person misinterpreting something does not set the meaning. Take the song Under the Blade by twisted sister, Tipper Gore on her censorship quest, claimed it was a violent song. In truth she was a pearl clutching idiot that didn’t know song was about guitarist Eddie Ojeda having surgery.

  • ThrowawayM
    010 months ago

    I have no idea what to do here. All I know is that it’s going to be a shit show if I don’t do something.

    Can you guys be civil? This is a monument to unification, not rebellion.

    Fuck it, consider this a warning to everyone who comments here, do not call for violence. Do not pretend the confederacy was good. Slavery and war crimes are bad. Those who comment otherwise will get the ban hammer.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      So clearly you’re going to support its removal, because we are a union now and we can replace it with another thing celebrating how great our union is now and not celebrating some of the darkest times in our country’s history.

      Let’s see some support for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and not this “it’s about unification” traitor crap you’re saying now.

      If keeping this post up is “pro-conservative” and “anti-left” then you’re making a bold statement you can’t just wash away with that “slavery is bad” lip service. We know what you are.

      • ThrowawayM
        -510 months ago

        It’s not celebrating the confederacy, it already is celebrating how great our union is now (“Now” being when it was put up). Did you read the article?

        And the “pro-conservative/anti-left” angle is that it’s literally conserving a part of our history, the reunification, and the left are the ones trying to push for the destruction of monuments. Not really what I meant by pro-conservative, but it still counts.

        I did notice that the issue you had with the confederacy was that it was a rebellion, and not the slavery. You repeated rebellion/traitor over several sentences, you didn’t even mention slavery. Is rebellion worse than slavery, in your opinion?

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          Never actually said the word “rebellion,” as you suggest. Called you a traitor specifically. Only once, not repeatedly. Did you actually read the comment? I don’t need to bring up all the points of the civil war, I think we all know those by now. This is all about you being a traitor and a hypocrite. Stay on topic.

          • ThrowawayM
            -410 months ago

            Again, is rebellion worse than slavery, in your opinion?

            Stop deflecting.

            • @[email protected]
              410 months ago

              We’re talking about you and your refusal to say “I don’t support anything the confederacy stood for.”

              Do it.

              • ThrowawayM
                -410 months ago

                Look, the reason I think you’re being disingenuous is I explicitly stated “Do not pretend the confederacy was good.” To me, that’s a clear indication that I don’t support the confederacy. So to just be absolutely clear, I do not support slavery, slavery is evil, and I think what you’re asking is a trap somehow, even if I can’t spot exactly how it’s a trap.

                And that goes doubly so that you’re still deflecting. Is rebellion worse than slavery?

    • NeuromancerM
      -610 months ago

      I think this sums up best.

      Clyde stressed that the memorial is exempt from the removal requirement because it “does not honor nor commemorate the Confederacy and that it commemorates reconciliation and nation unity.” Additionally, “the Naming Commission’s authority explicitly prohibits the desecration of grave sites.”

      I think people forget the confederacy was mainly democrats and many of the people who fought in the war, did so for their state and not the politics. Lee said that had Virginia stayed in the union, he would have fought for the union. Grant owned slaves.

      People want to pretend everyone fought for or against slavery and that simply is not true on either side. It was a complicated time in our history but I do think we should honor the dead soldiers as part of reconciliation.

      I don’t mind the base renamings since most of them were shitty generals and that alone should prevent a base from being named after them.

      I will leave it at that.

      • @ZapBeebz_
        910 months ago

        Doesn’t matter if you fought for your state or not, if you fought for the Confederacy, you fought for the right to own other people. End of story.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        People want to pretend everyone fought for or against slavery and that simply is not true on either side. It was a complicated time in our history but I do think we should honor the dead soldiers as part of reconciliation.

        But that’s true of everything everywhere. Even Trump/Biden support is complicated and uniformly full-throated on both sides.

        Lee said that had Virginia stayed in the union

        Yeah, I had to look that up. I guess it’s true.

        There’s still question of why you would represent national unity and reconciliation by praising the losers of a conflict. It’s not like we recognize the NCAA champion every year with a player from the losing team. That argument just sounds like sophistry.

        • NeuromancerM
          -310 months ago

          There’s still question of why you would represent national unity and reconciliation by praising the losers of a conflict


          President William McKinley kicked off his “Peace Jubilee” nationwide tour with a speech in Atlanta in which he proclaimed, “in the spirit of fraternity we should share with you in the care of the graves of Confederate soldiers…. Sectional feeling no longer holds back the love we feel for each other. The old flag again waves over us in peace with new glories.”

          What I take from this is it’s saying we are all Americans again. It doesn’t honor the war but honors that we are all Americans.

          I have no issue with statues honoring confederate because it’s complicated until the 1950-1960 time frame. Those are less about honoring and more about segregation in my opinion.

    • ThrowawayM
      10 months ago

      Rule 1. Removal for namecalling. Also you’re clearly trying to start shit.

  • NeuromancerM
    -710 months ago


    Here is another article on the topic.

    While the commission considered alternatives to removal, including adding signage to explain the context of the memorial, the group ultimately decided that “contextualization was not an appropriate option,” it said in its report.

    I would prefer that myself. I think it’s important to remind people what the Democrats did. I get the Democrats want to hide their history but it keeps their current actions in context since it aligns with their past.

      • ThrowawayM
        -110 months ago

        Rule 1, 3. Removed for image spam and trying to start shit. Banned once again for repeated bad faith. Since this your 3rd ban, and you seem to just want to start shit, it’s a perma ban. Congrats, you’re the first one I’ve perma banned that didn’t literally ask for it.