Sorry if this is treacherous heresy here. I know very little about WH40K.

I love seeing your minis and the collecting aspects. I wonder if there are cooperative alternatives or forms of these games, as my partner and I are not very competitive people. We enjoy expressing ourselves with our choice of… Idk, armies in the case of 40K, I guess. It’d be nice to find a system using minis that would allow cooperative gameplay, as I don’t fancy collecting a buncha minis, and leaving them to sit. At the same time, I’m not creative enough to construct my own game system to meet these needs, so an existing structure would be nice. Thank you, Mini Masters. 🙇

  • @BloodyFable
    122 years ago

    Hey! You should look at Blackstone Fortress it’s set in the 40k universe and is a 1-5 player coop game. You’ll get all of the minis to play the game, no more no less, so there’s not really room for growth but I believe it’s in the same vein as Gloomhaven.

    • @haelusnovakOP
      12 years ago

      Thank you for the recommendation! Is the cost of these games more associated with the inclusion of the miniatures or the game itself? I’m wondering if I could attempt a watered down version as I am a poor student 😔, but I know that many people often sell their collection or older version, etc. Thank you for bringing more opportunities and options to me! 🙇🙏

  • @orionstein
    62 years ago

    You could check out Kingdom Death: Monster. You could use many of your 40k minis as your survivors, and it would come with a ton more minis to build and paint. Alternately, you could try to find somebody selling the game for cheaper without minis, and only use 40k minis in the game.

    • @haelusnovakOP
      22 years ago

      I currently have 0 minis, but I will be certain to look into that one! Thank you! 🙌

      • @orionstein
        22 years ago

        Oh, in that case, the full game comes with a ton of minis to put together and paint :)

        • @haelusnovakOP
          32 years ago

          I also wasn’t aware of that bgg site, which is great! Ty again.

  • @[email protected]
    62 years ago

    There’s also Five Parsecs from Home, which is a solo wargame / RPG. You only need a handful of minis, and it’s miniature-agnostic so that you can use any mini you want.

    • @haelusnovakOP
      22 years ago

      Wow, this looks really neat! I also find the price a lot easier to digest as a student who just dropped 500$ on a new windshield due to a stray rock. 💀 I think this might be my top choice for an entry trial. Maybe I could adjust the ruleset to include my partner too. 😁 Thank you so much! 🙇

      • @[email protected]
        32 years ago

        Have fun! Five Parsecs lends itself nicely to cooperative play. My girlfriend and I usually play by either deciding on a course of action together, or by each of us controlling half of the team.

        To get started, there’s also a great ongoing YouTube series by Trevor Devall from Me, Myself and Die!.

        • Davercade
          11 year ago

          I second this totally - love ‘Five Parsecs’. The series by the way too is also a great watch :-) .For a once off co-op game, ‘Space Weirdos’ is also a lot of fun and very easy to get into!

  • @fearofthedarkM
    22 years ago

    I think I remember someone making a single player campaign for some of One Page Rules games, might be worth investigating.

    • @haelusnovakOP
      22 years ago

      Thank you! I will look into this. I have no background in this area, so I appreciate your guidance! 🙇

      • @[email protected]
        32 years ago

        One page rules also has general soloplay rules so worst case you can alternate take turns on your side and go by the rules for ae “AI” opponent

      • @fearofthedarkM
        22 years ago

        I hope it helps.

        I read some of your other comments and if you are looking for something cheap One Page Rules might be the thing for you. The rules are all free online and it is miniatures agnostic (you can you whatever miniatures you fancy). The rules are straightforward, its fast paced (games don’t take 1-2 hours) and its great fun to play.