Today I’m reading.

03/11/10- "Rose: Strife.” (/homestuck/1582) to 03/18/10 - “==>” (/homestuck/1593)”

Select this thingy to read my commentary

Rose is now in the Land for Light and Rain (LOLAR). She’s been loving it so far, getting left alone by both her mother and her exile guide. She is free and independent. But like John house the game eventually starts spawning imps. Rose imps are marble and chalk. She’s not afraid to fight them. She’s vicious with the knitting needles and yarn. Taking her first 2 imps out without any difficulty. John nearly died from his first fight. Then after only 2 imps Rose’s faced with a Lime Orge. She manages to take this out as well. She jabs the needles into its eye and rides the dang thing like a blinded pony. Meanwhile Mewtini is just enjoying hanging out doing kitten stuff. Most violent scene yet!

Despite this act of violence when Dave suggests giving the ogre the old coup de grâce for some grist Rose refuses. Seems she only wants to fight in self defence. Apparently Daves gristTorrent also helps him with Rose’s session. They’re both leeching off of John but the process is apparently slow. Both Rose and Dave get pestered by Trolls. Dave is chatting with grimAuxiliatrix [GA] we’re shown this one is the sign of Virgo. They ask if Dave is the one “commanding the seer” this confirms Rose is the seer, and we know John is the heir. She also tells Dave he is the Knight. GA has come to Dave asking for advice on Rose. They seem interested in gauging her sincerity. Though it really does seem like a “how do i get her to like me?” situation. Dave provides terrible advice. Rose is sarcastic so Dave suggests that GA use sarcasm and assume Rose is always doing the same. GA points out this is just trolling but Dave encourages them to troll Rose harder.

Rose is benign pestered by adiosToreador [AT] with the mark of Taurus. AT is the troll that failed hard to troll Dave. AT got counter trolled ruthlessly as a result. Rose is also quick to detect AT is just incompetent . They’ve come to Rose seeking advice on finding Dave’s weak points. Rose plays along with this making AT think she wants to destroy Dave. Her advice is to attack Dave with poetry. Dave being very into rap battles will likely repeat his last encounter with AT and destroy them. That’ll be a cringy trainwreck we can look forward to.

GA now pesters Rose as she is still sitting on the unconscious body of the ogre she took out. GA mentions that she got some insight from Dave but isn’t falling for his sabotage. It seems GA is not as dumb as certain other trolls. GA is the one who had explained the whole temporal mechanical situation to Rose back on page 1093. To Rose this is their second conversion but to GA it’s their 7th. Rose was considerably more sceptical of GA’s claims back then. They now seem a lot more plausible, thus Rose was wrong about a thing. GA has a punishment for this. They’ve given Rose a transcript of their first conversation, and asked her to transcribe it. They may have hidden a message in it that’s found this way. But this also forces Rose to scrutinize and relive her error. Apparently the motivation for this is to weaken Rose’s intellectual superiority. This way their first conversation from GA’s perspective is one where she will have the upper hand. This is a ridiculous and unnerving manipulation. But I suppose it may have actually impressed Rose a little.

Rose ends the conversation as her sprite has come to find her.

We get a shot of GA at their computer. She is a female troll. Her horns resemble the virgo symbol. She seems to put effort into her appearance. Her hair and eyes have a well manicured look to them.

Till tomorrow, manipulating your friends before you even meet them is a great strategy! also. keep riding the pumpkin tide.