Looking for recommendations for a fan that is powerful but quiet. My couch sits in an alcove so I need to direct the cold air from the ac to me, but I am hyper sensitive to noise.
Vornado makes powerful fans. I think they’re pretty quiet on low and medium, less so on high, but YMMV depending on your noise tolerance. I haven’t tried Dyson but they are outrageously expensive (and I think I’ve seen a video on them not moving much air, I’ll come back with the link if I can find it).
Edit: video
If you want to move air quietly you need to move a large volume slowly.
YEP this guy gets it. Large diameter & low velocity. Vornado is nice.
I’ve been looking for a fan that literally mechanically raises and lowers a large leaf-like thing (think Anthony&Cleo) in a pleasant wafting fashion. How does no such device exist?
I’ve seen that done. But only in commercial contexts, like restaurants, or in Thailand and India
From what I have read one of these might be what you’re Looking for
You’re welcome. Hope you find one that works for you. The wife nano use one of those lasky wind machines in our place, $45 at Walmart, moves a ton of air, but I fear it might be too loud for what you’re looking for.
The Dyson Pure Cool Air Purifier and Tower Fan is extremely quiet and will push a lot of air.
How about a 20" box fan on low? Too loud? Put together several computer case fans, they’re made to be quiet.
Either of these fans can also be used to make a Corsi-Rosenthal box to filter air. So you could do both…assuming it’s not too loud…
Look at big ass fans
I remember seeing print ads for these ten years ago. Thought it was just a gimmick!
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