Nearly half of new passenger cars in EU electrified -ACEA::Sales of electric cars in the European Union were almost half of all new passenger car registrations in the EU between January and November 2023 and already crossed the halfway mark in the month of November alone, data showed on Wednesday. Electrified vehicles - either fully electric models, plug-in hybrids or full hybrids - accounted for over 47.6% of all new passenger car registrations in the EU as of November, up from 43% in the same period last year, the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) said. New-car registrations in the EU increased 6.7% in November, the 16th consecutive month of growth, with a year-on-year rise of 13.3% in the registration of electric vehicles.

  • @filister
    189 months ago

    I think part of this might be due to the fact that in a lot of countries they are phasing out subsidies for EVs or decreasing them significantly. So people were rushing out to buy their EVs before this happened.

    • @nexusband
      89 months ago

      Yep. These numbers will plummet. EVs are not getting cheaper, Renault phased out the Zoe as well… Not only that, more and more people are going to just drive and repair the older cars - which is a good thing because you’d be able to drive many 100k km for the 10-15 tonns of Co2 a new EV needs to even be built… Co2 prices will make fossile fuels go out of fashion very fast, like in Sweden, we’re over 80% of Diesel sold is renewable and gas 90% less Co2 emissions, most new-ish diesels are very clean (even the VW ones…) and particulate matter is “made” by both vehicles, so going by bike is the best option for that.

      Many people I know actually bought new bikes, rather than a new car in the last 2 years…

      • Justin
        129 months ago

        Swedish renewable fuels is a government policy mandate, which was replaced by the new far-right government in 2022. Sweden will not be using renewable fuels going forward.

        • @nexusband
          29 months ago

          I HIGHLY doubt that, because HVO is getting cheaper than fossile diesel. It already is in some parts of italy

          • Justin
            29 months ago

            Here’s more context. The government changed the requirement for fuels from 10% renewable to 6% renewable (so called “reduktionsplikt”, literally “reduction requirement”). The Swedish government agency, Naturvårdsverket, predicts that less renewable fuels will be used by drivers due to this change, and that Swedish co2 emissions will rise 10% in a single year. Companies are also mad, because they have built out renewable fuel production facilities, and this change reduces the demand of gas stations to buy renewable fuel.


            Pure car-friendly, anti-climate populism from Sweden’s far-right government.

            • @nexusband
              9 months ago

              Doesn’t change the fact, that the market will decide at this point what’s going to be cheaper. The carbon tax is still in effect.

              Also, Sweden is a democracy. The people voted for the government.

              • Justin
                9 months ago

                They cut energy tax as well.

                Sure the people voted for a far-right government, but it is also the duty of the experts in a democracy to criticize the government when they enact bad policies. It is important in the Swedish model to listen to the experts.

                The people voted for a government that would lower the cost of living and reduce crime. Cutting fuel regulation/taxes at the expense of the evironment might lower cost of living in the short term, but it will drastically increase it long term as the impacts of car dependency and climate change hit. The EU has already signaled that they will be imposing fines on Sweden for exceeding climate targets.

    • @[email protected]
      59 months ago

      Doubt it. People don’t change cars like that. Wealthy people might but I don’t think they buy 50% of cars.

  • Justin
    99 months ago

    Should be 100%. Cars often last 20 years, and no car should be driving around in 2043 using 8L/100km.

    • @nexusband
      -169 months ago

      Yeah, because EVs grow on trees and are absolutely clean and do not need any resources at all!

      • Justin
        9 months ago

        Little known fact, ICE cars don’t grow on trees, either.

        EVs use less resources over their lifespan than ICE cars, so replacing any ICE car sale with an EV car will always be better for the environment.

        Saying EV cars are better than ICE cars is not an endorsement for cars and car-dependency. People need to move to car-sharing, bicycles, and walkable neighborhoods. The majority of EU residents should not own a car.

        • @Vrtrx
          149 months ago

          This is my kind of ICE car we all need

            • Justin
              9 months ago

              ICE ticket: 40 eur

              EV car: 40,000 eur + 4000 eur in electricity + 4000 eur in repairs + 4000 eur in insurance + 4000 eur in road taxes

              EV bicycle: 4000 eur, can ride on the ICE train with it

              • @TheGrandNagus
                19 months ago

                Damn I wish our trains were like that.

                On multiple occasions I’ve seen it be cheaper to fly to France or the Netherlands then back to the UK, rather than get the train between two cities.

                Fuck the Beeching Cuts and all the negative consequences that came of it.

                • @wikibotB
                  29 months ago

                  Here’s the summary for the wikipedia article you mentioned in your comment:

                  The Beeching cuts were a major series of route closures and service changes made as part of the restructuring of the nationalised railway system in Great Britain in the 1960s. They are named for Richard Beeching, then-chair of the British Railways Board and the author of two reports – The Reshaping of British Railways (1963) and The Development of the Major Railway Trunk Routes (1965) – that outlined the necessity of improving the efficiency of the railways and the plan for achieving this through restructuring. The first report identified 2,363 stations and 5,000 miles (8,000 km) of railway line for closure, amounting to 55% of stations, 30% of route miles, and the loss of 67,700 British Rail jobs, with an objective of stemming the large losses being incurred during a period of increasing competition from road transport and reducing the rail subsidies necessary to keep the network running. The second report identified a small number of major routes for significant investment. Such was the scale of these cuts that the programme came to be colloquially referred to as the Beeching Axe, though the 1963 report also recommended some less well-publicised changes; including a switch to the now-standard practice of containerisation for rail freight, and the replacement of some services with integrated bus services linked to the remaining railheads. Protests resulted in the saving of some stations and lines, but the majority were closed as planned. Beeching's name remains associated with the mass closure of railways and the loss of many local services in the period that followed. A few of these routes have since reopened. Some short sections have been preserved as heritage railways, while others have been incorporated into the National Cycle Network or used for road schemes. Others have since been built over, have reverted to farmland, or remain derelict with no plans for any reuse or redevelopment. Some, such as the bulk of the Midland Metro network around Birmingham and Wolverhampton, have since been incorporated into light rail lines.

                  article | about

                • Justin
                  39 months ago

                  ICE = InterCity Express, Deutsche Bahn’s high-speed rail brand

  • Alex
    49 months ago

    A great progress! But it should be 100%.

  • TacoButtPlug
    39 months ago

    I hope they have the infrastructure for it unlike the US and its combined 10 chargers for the entire nation of EV drivers. /s … Kind of.