How is everyone doing? Feel free to discuss any topics!

  • Jessica
    9 months ago

    Not great. I hate the holidays, it’s just a time of year where I am reminded how alone I am. I forgot to be responsible and make sure I have refills for one of my meds. So I have been having withdrawals for a few days now, after having run out of meds. It’s not the end of the world, but it does suck.

    I hate this isolation, but the irrational part of my brain tells me that I deserve it.

    Edit: My son should be coming over tomorrow, which I am really looking forward to.

    • ZerlynaOPM
      59 months ago

      You are never alone here!!! :) Get your meds tomorrow. I have one that (thankfully) my last pill is tonight so I’ll be med running with you!

    • @ickplantM
      29 months ago

      I wouldn’t wish loneliness on my worst enemy. Even though I don’t know you personally, I feel like you deserve connection and belonging simply by being human. I really hope your son’s presence lifts your mood!

  • @ickplantM
    19 months ago

    I usually get a bit depressed around this time of year, but I’ve been diligent about using my mood lamp and taking vitamin D, and I think it helps (FYI, too much light from a mood lamp can cause mania, so pls be careful and talk to your doctor if you want to use one). I’ve also been working hard on friendships, and it’s starting to bear fruit!

    ADHD is getting the best of me, and I’m starting to panic about all the things I have to do while I’m off work. But it’s OK, I will manage, I just need to make a plan and get started. Any minute now…

    • ZerlynaOPM
      29 months ago

      I have such a hard time getting started on a plan myself. And then it always bites me in the butt.