How is that system? I haven’t heard many people talk about it.
How is that system? I haven’t heard many people talk about it.
Taking a D&D break, however a group I am not DM’ing are finishing up Strixhaven. Currently I am running Cairn with two groups and also in some final prep stages to playtest something I have been working on.
I am running one group of Cairn using the BFRPG Morgransfort module and another utilizing the Lost Citadel book from Green Ronin Publishing.
Thanks. Have you considered perhaps using something that is more publicly accessible like Github? You could copy the info in a .MD file
Any details on what this system is about or what makes it unique?
The Wildsea has a very interesting implementation of this system. In effect you can have a “twist” with a partial success wherein the other players at the table and suggest what that twist is. https://felixisaacs.itch.io/thewildsea
That’s super fun.