Yes, but that’s why I get to call it a snackle box, so it all works out.
Yes, but that’s why I get to call it a snackle box, so it all works out.
I’d have reversed it and specified "People’s tithings”.
Ok true, but otherwise this is easily one of my top 5 episodes.
The total inappropriate donations to his (failed) campaign was $800, the sentencing guidelines state “up to $5,000 or triple the amount at issue, whichever is greater” to ensure the fine outweighs whatever they might gain, so it actually seems pretty reasonable in this case.
I have always aspired to being able to pull off “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” at karaoke. I still can’t but it’s a mountain worth trying to climb.
The one major point I’d like to make is that Harley had only existed for a couple years in the animated show when BF was being made so including her in the movie when she was largely unknown would not have been likely.
Think of how many Batman universe stories there are to tell within the style of the HQ show. Yeah, so anything else in this universe is welcome to me.
Then I would be hard all the time in more ways than one.
Liberal and anti-gun are not synonyms.
And if you track down and read the article you’ll see he had the ghost gun, 5 unregistered handguns, a suppressor, and over a dozen high capacity magazines, all of which are illegal in New York. I’m not arguing whether all of those things SHOULD be illegal, I don’t live in NY so I don’t have a stake in this, but that is the current law and this dude was well outside of it.
Honestly the scene with him going after the warehouse full of baddies to save Ma Kent was the closest live action version of cartoon Batman ever, and it was glorious.
If you ain’t using the Force to give yourself a handy, or a backdoor adventure, or a double stuffed, or any variation thereof then what is the point? What is the damn point of all that training?
Some legacy sequels have turned out alright, so it’s not impossible. I just have to hope that Mel wouldn’t do it unless it was worth doing, he’s got a pretty good track record.
Optimus can do whatever he wants since he’s technically a machine.
You sick bastard.
And I sometimes get crap for this but Batfleck was pretty good too. Those movies had issues, oh my yes, but the casting for those 2 roles was not one of them. Luthor, on the other hand…
Apropos of nothing but “kids or people who started as kids” is one of the best parts of a sentence I’ve read in a long time.
Stop, I can only get so erect!
I mean, most flights SELL a meat and cheese box as a meal. I think I’ll be ok.