Thank you!!! Will add it too to the side whenever I can (weekend probably). Still have to complete a few things.
Hi!!! Yes, was waiting for the weekend to do it on the first one and also on newcommunities but am very very busy this week. Thank you for the tips because I didn,t know the second one was created!
If you have problems with acute sounds like me, works like magic. We did a sound check with several frequencies at home and there is a point in acutes where you hear nothing. We did the check: My husband without them, me with them on. And it works.
Got a pair of Loops, the Engage 2 noise since I am quite sensitive to strons and accute noises (police and ambulances sirens, construction works in the streets, and noisy public transport specially people listening to videos and specially reggeton and that kind of “music” without headphones angers me a lot).
Now when I am in a noisy environment I use them and it is like magic. I can keep listening to conversations with the people I am neat and participating in everything without the added annoyance of the unwanted noises and sound frequencies). I strongly recommend them for peope with noise senibility and if you want to be in a calmer environment sometimes in a busy city or public transport).
On Spain we have loads of TV series, some of them really really good. I recommend, among others, The Ministry of Time, The Cable Girls, Alpha Males, Los Serrano, The time in between, Money Heist, Patria and Riot Police. But there are many many others worth watching.
Here you have a very big list (also recommend this web to search for European TV series)
Outside Spain what I have liked most in European series is Borgen, Danish, although the last period has some money from Netflix, is very good.
Oh my god, he is as annoying as a pain ok the ovaries at 4:00 am in the morning!!!
Maybe someone could tell him? Maybe he does not know about Lemmy
It is a very good service. One of the few I pay for. Try it and you won’t be dissapointed
And created using Blender, open source!!
Yes, definitely. I have used fritz! routers since I had DSL at home, and now I also hace them qith fiber. no doubt, go for one.
I reccomend. They are the same people behind Penpot. But no, they don’e have an app and have transferred the evolution of Taiga to a french cooperative, that is now developing Tenzu (the new name for Taiga Next).
Pumpkin cream, homemade bread, butter and cheese with truffle
Hey, this is a clever statregy indeed In Spain they are not opening cafes. They are opening shops in shopping malls inside or very near to cities, so they guarantee people entering to see what’s in spot in the shop
They would want to negotiate something and use this as a threat…maybe it is all related to the big tech companies not wanting to comply with the European regulation, and things like that
Very good points you have set here, isolation to say the world is against them and ally with Russia. Oh boy these people are so annoying!
I am more inclined to think about it everyday
Oh, I didnt’ Know. In spain we have Wallapop, quite popular, in fact, more than Vinted.
Good luck from Spain, a friend of mine is in Berlin with your party, has worked very hard theses days, and hopes you can get a good result. Go ahead!!!
He was there, so he IS like them, speaking or not.
And they all answered “yes, you can eat our eggs, but not how you would expect”