I always liked the Rasputin version better.
I always liked the Rasputin version better.
I went to Istanbul in March of 2023 and it was pretty affordable. Started planning for another trip in May this year and didn’t get past looking at hotels. The prices were absolutely ridiculous. Went to Thailand instead.
Not even kitchens can escape enshitification now.
Uhh… What’s brown and rhymes with snoop?
Love the video and all the different reactions from other people in the cafe.
Had a friend who’s little bro thought “Liberate my madness” from Liberate by Slipknot was “Never eat bananas”.
IBM Aptiva 100 mhz Pentium 1 4 mb RAM 28k modem 4x CD ROM 3.5 in floppy drive 1 gb hard disk Win 3.1 / OS2
She probably would be a billionaire if she didn’t give away so much of her money to good causes.