Agreed. I find that the more I pre plan my day, the more stuff I can get done, like gym, work, weekend out with partner etc. And if I don’t, the day is just gonna be wasted on gaming or watching videos.
Agreed. I find that the more I pre plan my day, the more stuff I can get done, like gym, work, weekend out with partner etc. And if I don’t, the day is just gonna be wasted on gaming or watching videos.
Huh, that’s interesting. Do we know why the menarche age has receded?
Surprised nobody mentioned One Hour One Life before.
Basically, it’s a game where you only have 60 minutes to live in an open multiplayer world, starting out as a baby being cared for by your “mother” going to adult, and then dying of old age, possibly leaving everything to your offspring, also actual players.
I found this mechanic to be very unique among other games.
To add, I think the batter capacity of a fairphone is 3905 mAh while eg Pixel 7 has 4355 so the diff is only ~10%
If I can replace a battery without throwing away the phone, I’d definitely be OK with 10% battery reduction
One thing to note is that if everyone stops having children, it will create a demographic crisis with a lot of older people / pensioners not able to work and not a lot of working age people to support the aging population. Good for environment ofc but quite bad for the remainder of population.
Don’t think private medicine companies are such a bad thing - there can only be so much research that is publicly funded and we can potentially miss out on some life saving drug not getting developed.
Imo a better solution would be decreasing the patent age so that the companies have only a small window to generate profit, after which the drugs would go into public domain. 20 years is way too long to profit of a discovery
In addition, a lot of the “natural talent” might be coming from early childhood practice when children’s brains are the most malleable - eg if a kid is drawing since they are 6, it is much more likely they’ll be noticed and cultivated. Which makes them more likely to appear talented when they are 11 / 15 etc, when they might be noticed and cultivated in turn etc. Early advantages pile up.
Not to say that some things gene related are not advantageous - you are not likely to become a basketball player if you are short, even if you put in enormous amounts of practice.