Merrick Garland wasted more than a year. That worthless waste of oxygen should be remembered as the reason we lost even the pretense of a democracy.
Merrick Garland wasted more than a year. That worthless waste of oxygen should be remembered as the reason we lost even the pretense of a democracy.
Not very much at all. I pretty much have said whatever I wanted to my entire life- as I don’t GAFF what other people think.
Because we have to get up to pee a bunch of times during the night and eventually can’t sleep at all so we get up for the day. Which results in our being tired AF and having to go to bed early.
Wallace. In a heartbeat. Cause if someday he doesn’t have one, I’ve got my own office!
I don’t eat there so the jokes on them!
The US statutes limiting suppressors are just plain stupid. FWIW, in many places in Europe, suppressors are MANDATORY. Yet these devices which reduce obnoxious and potentially dangerous noise are taxed and regulated heavily in the US for some reason. I can only think that the legislators who wrote these statutes are stupid and probably based their laws against suppressors on their hilariously inaccurate depiction in spy movies. Almost all suppressors reduce really really really fucking loud shooting to really loud shooting. They serve to eliminate some noise pollution. What’s not to like?
I left two cents in mine and just left it as is. I like to think that every time those pirates send me a letter telling me I have 2 cents left or send me checks which I don’t cash it costs them money.
This times several billion
If it’s such a loss to society, perhaps something should be done about society’s economic structure and how it partitions rewards. Rather than throwing shade on someone for making an economically advantageous decision.
TBH, I don’t blame her in the least. It’s hard enough for men. I can’t imagine what it must be like for women to endure misogyny on top of what men go through in STEM.
Here’s the deal, if we want law and order, it must apply to everyone. It does not, and there really isn’t mechanism right now to change that. The issue with the healtcare exec’s killing is that healthcare execs etc. and oligarchs that make decisions that kill people have to be held to account for their crimes, and that’s not happening. Their egregious denials of life-preserving coverage should be a crime if it isn’t already. The Oligarchs/healthcare insurers have rigged the system such that it does not bind them nor hold them responsible for their behaviors that kill people. This is where the lawlessness issue in our system began, not with Luigi’s vigilante act. Luigi committed murder, the health care execs and oligarchs also murder people with their decisions. Only Luigi’s actions are getting legally punished. As long as such unequal treatment in the law exists, it will inevitably end in vigilantism.
Fuck Reddit
Reddit is a corporatist pearl-clutching hell hole. With no reason to exist. I left it quite a while ago when I got banned for asking if something would get me banned. Fuck those assholes.
I call bullshit. Don the Con’s friends aren’t smart enough to recognize an imbecile.
Well, Trump will make sure we don’t have to worry about Palestine anymore-as it will just be more Israel.
Well, after four years of Trump we aren’t going to have to concern ourselves with Palestine, because it’s going to be “more Israel”. Thanks to these dumbasses. The leopards will be obese crime feasting.
I am sincerely hoping jury nullification will strike terror into the Oligarchs
Tell us something we didn’t already know for a change.
That’s the Caduceus depicted above, the symbol of logistics Which is often but improperly used these days as a medical symbol in place of the Rod of Asclepius, which has only one snake and no wings.
Give those weapons to Ukraine!