When someone from your social groups is having motorcycle, lawnmower, model airplane, tool or general home repair issues, do you give them your father’s number?
“please will you stop what you’re doing and come fix my x”
This actually happens quite frequently. It’s rare to leave a family party without a follow up appointment to look at a persons tech.
Thing is, 100% of the time people will understand if you say “I don’t really know very much about that particular thing I’m sorry.”
“Yeah but you know tech so you must just be sand bagging”
Looks like the end of a 3 episode day! /s
“Justice is blind”
TL;DR: Bond Tents can increase retirement spending.
Just make sure you call the right phone number.
If you have HVAC, make sure the filter is replaced regularly and try running a higher MERV filter.
Dude is missing like half the leaves!
How fast can it make the Kessel Run?
The 6000 unit tests they run on every build is the most effective bug squasher!
Factorio Space Age, but it wasn’t on sale.
The money just isn’t there for a lot of them.
Almost 75% of residents at nursing homes are primarily paying via Medicare/aid. The reimbursement rate from Medicare/aid is so low that you cannot actually afford to run the business safely on it. Increasing staffing to increase safety is great, but it also needs to come with an increase in the reimbursement rate in order to make it possible.
Understand, I am NOT against minimum staffing requirements, but they will cause a number of facilities to shut down and leave the most vulnerable elderly homeless unless the reimbursement rate is increased to cover the cost of the extra staffing.
Source: worked in the Long Term Care Industry for over a decade.
Probably not. The Hush Money case is a state case, not a federal case. Presidential pardons (up till this point) are only valid for federal crimes.
Go to the computer with the issue, log in as a domain admin, hit ctrl+Z.
Ok, take a nap, THEN FIRE ZE MISSLES!