The factory must expand so the factory can expand so the factory can expand so the factory can expand so the factory…
The factory must expand so the factory can expand so the factory can expand so the factory can expand so the factory…
Ah, I have fond memories of PS2. I slowly stopped playing when I started finding less and less coherent platoons working together. I’d join squads that were spread all over the map. It had so many fun things with it too, but somewhere along the way I started losing interest.
I’m addicted to urban fantasy right now so I definitely wish we could get another swing at The Secret World. I love hidden world things like a second society of cryptids beneath the mundane and I’ve been inlove with the setting for forever.
I know the devs were talking about a tv series but… nothing.
I’ve also always wanted to do a band of brothers style series but from a star wars’ perspective where half the series is in the eyes of rebels and the other half in the eyes of the empire. But to slowly build up more gray morality - like the rebel soldiers have to struggle with committing acts that cause civilian casualties to push their objective. Or the stormtroopers slowly being broken from the imperial cult but still loyal to the concept of what it means for order.
Or like… a band of brothers style series of a platoon of imperial guardsman in 40k. Just guys struggling to survive demons, aliens, and killer robots.
I’m taking the bait.
The art he prompted was drawn from and trained by art that wasn’t his. The art was created by unsuspecting artists and then was blundered together like a frog until it created the image. He may have edited the image later on with a 3rd party program. But that’s still altering art built from an amalgamation of others art.
And this isn’t the same as line tracing or referencing other’s art because that still requires the user to put pen to paper and wholly create something by hand. Or hand to digital modeling software. Something that actually takes hours of work and concentration. Not coming back to your PC to change the wording in your prompt and then walk away for an hour or whatever while it blends stuff together for you.
If the original creator of the art work should get the copyright then the thousands of artists who drew the original training material should get those copyrights.
This is the same problem with AI in other fields. It’s drawn from the work of humans.
Moreover, I don’t want to remove the human element from art ever.
Judging by my Age of Empire games… yes.
Boeing failure. They were supposed to return long ago.
Systemic racism in the US ment an inproportionate number of drafted service personnel were black as white draftees were able to get college deferments in higher numbers.
This boiled back down to the poorer economic situation of black peoples in the Civil rights era fighting for basic equality.
The draft also caused friction that increased fraggings as this racist treatment by educated white officers or NCOs were dealt with locally. Fragging was furthered by a disconnect between draftees who wanted to just survive and glory hounds who saw military service and War as some great adventure.
Yes, you see… i want the taxes I pay to go to helping people. We could instead, say, stop giving as much to the DoD. We could raise taxes on corporations and close off shore loopholes… you know, basic good governance.
I too was infantry. And muscle memory doesn’t necessarily mean always being engaged to the process, it means being able to return to the necessary posture when needed.
It wasn’t uncommon for us to rest our hands on our rifles too when we didn’t need to be actively engaged in the current situation in any hostile fashion.
Now if we could cleanse the junk and joke guides as well somehow…
Pirates kind of had a workers compensation program as I’ve been told.
Loss of certain body parts was payable with the amount varying by which part was affected.
These guys aren’t in some kind of parade or ceremonial display, nor do they appear to be at a guard post.
They’re just soldiers standing by. In that situation there’s no need for a uniform display to impress anyone. Keeping soldiers at drill precision 100% all thetime is a good way to fatigue soldiers who don’t need to be perfect quickly.
Besides which, all of them have a hand near their trigger guards and most have hands resting on the barrel of their weapons so are reasonably prepared if someone does try something.
Your number 2 is based around cultural, not species differences. Two humans raised in two different cultures could end up very different.
There could be two tribes of goblins. One that began eating people out of desperation and now just do it because it’s tradition. The other could have grown up in close relationships with their nongoblin neighbors and are seen as a valuable part of their region.
So untying evilness to their race isn’t being race blind or pretending people down have struggles - it’s removing the shoehorning that occurred.
I hate these stupid guides so much. They inevitably get up voted and clutter out the more useful guides.
At least they’re trying instead of ridiculing those who are.
The navy manual for troubleshooting equipment in the field includes “lift 3-6 inches and drop”
The glass clearly says those are feet, not ferrets.
I won’t lie.I don’t get it.
In order to make crossing intersections quicker to get through, the new town policy has trains jumping others using newly installed skateboard ramps.
I keep going back to ONI to try and get into its endgame. But I quickly start getting kicked around in a back alley by the temperature stuff. Like trying to figure out colony-wide temperature control.