There is a book “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art” or something like that…
do that book, ok?
It is awesome Combined Arms leverage.
Find YOUR right kind of fitness,
find YOUR right kind of yoga,
find YOUR most-healing-friends ( as Elisabeth Haich pointed-out, in her profound book “Initiation”, breaking anti-helpful “friendship” is one of the toughest lessons in human life )
Please read Elisabeth Haich’s profoundest book in all of Psychology which, unfortunately, due to our materialist culture, is named “The Wisdom of the Tarot”, and it is on the archetype-stages of human life.
I’ve found that the “Lightning-Struck Tower” life-state is always followed by the crab-dwelling-in-the-lake/digesting-memories/the-“wolf”(fears)-and-“dog”(attachments)-baying-at-one-to-get-one-OFF-one’s-path archetype-state, e.g.
Her decrypting of the decision card/archetype-state is briliant…
She points-out that in the correct image, the Conscious Way is depicted as just touching one, and not pulling one, whereas the Unconscious Way is pulling one…
and that the clothes & posture both depict that the one trying to get deep-enough to earn the Decision is balancing themself as completely as they can…
shows the archetype-illustrations she is using, in her book: the ebook version of that one doesn’t have the archetype-illustrations in it, so you need these images from that website.
The “Oswald Wirth” tarot deck has apparently been changed, to prevent people from seeing the proper archetype-illustrations: the new replacement images are dumbed-down & aweful.
However, the physical version of that book of hers, does have the illustrations, if you want to have 'em on you, without being dependent on the website not deleting 'em…
Elisabeth Haich’s books I consider the sanest “bible” in the world, for nearly-everybody.
There was 1 statement in “Initiation” which galled me, but years-later, I discovered that it was true, in spite of my prejudice: when Ptahotep told her original-human-life that the Earth’s core is gas dominated … and I “knew” that to be rotted bunk…
Turns out, however, that approximately 10% of the Earth’s core is metallic-hydrogen.
The seismic-refractive-index doesn’t work properly, otherwise.
Do you undersand just how light Hydrogen atoms are, compared with the nickel & iron that about 90% of the mass of that core is?
It means a stupendous amount of hydrogen is in there.
Which, of course, I’d contempted, due to presumption/prejudice.
In short, there is NOTHING I’ve been able to directly-falsify, in any statement of Haich’s, and I’ve tried.
One possible exception is her traditional description of the central & side channels, which Kelsang Gyatso describes differently.
Someday I’ll be able to test that, but not this year.
Maybe not this life, actually.
What other leverage can I hand ya, hmm…
Halvorson’s “The 8 Motivational Challenges”
Ah! Kegan & Lahey’s “Immunity to Change”, INVEST in reading that book: your library may have it, right?
It may not be what you need now, in your life, but unless you’ve already tried reading it, you cannot understand how important it is to be working-through that one, when one is ready!
John Truby’s “The Anatomy of Genres”, for tons of psychological leverage…
Better to slightly clobber somebody with help, than to crush their life like grapes, under an avalanche of help, right?
( imagine Monty Python… : )
Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, Hoomin!
Do well!
( :
I remembered 2 more, which are crucial to Combined Arms healing!
I’m linking to amazon.com so you can see the items, themselves, AND so that you can read the reviews.
I don’t put “affiliate links”.
: )
There is startlingly-true information in that one.
That is, when you haven’t already learned those items, important stuff.
There: Stacking Odds, eh?
Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen!
( :